Saturday 15 June 2024

Play for the Long Game...Not for Short Gigs

 It so happened that I was thinking of this! Why am I so fickle in my acts! Why can I stop playing for short-term happiness? Why can I think to build a new me in the long term?

And that would lead me to a whole set of questions and answers:

1. What should we do in a daily basis to achieve a bigger goal?
2. How to convince yourself that playing short game is futile?
3. What are the things you need to sacrifice? 
4. What's the cost of playing short term happiness?
5. Is scrolling a short term gig - cheap dopamine? 
6. How to find things that matter?
7. Is there fun in playing the long game?
8. How to tell people to focus on long-term results?
9. How to figure out things that matter?
10. What's the big picture?
11. Who likes to play short term?
12. How to find skills that will really matter?
13. How important is soft skills?

P/S - I wrote this post around 10:30 PM on Friday. And, after this post, I thought of browsing Ista feeds. And, for more than an hour I was scrolling all around, and amusing myself with the things I saw, hopping to find some gems! 
And, when it was all done, and when my eyes began to droop, I stopped this dopamine rush. What a way to end a post to stop the shot adrenal rush! 

N:B - It's all easy to preach! Let me see how far I can shift the gears! 

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