Saturday 22 June 2024

Copy Everything


Talk by Osho

( I saw this talk by Osho after I wrote this blog_  Check it out )

Copy the copy!
Copy the idea
Copy the strategy 
Copy the confidence
Copy the looks?
Copy the diet
Copy the hacks
Copy the steps
Copy the decor 
Copy the model 
Copy the talk
Copy the quotes
Copy the garden
Copy the city plan
Copy the service
Copy the menu 
Copy the balcony setup
Copy the smile
Copy the hair style
Copy the site
Copy the makeover 
Copy the header and footer

Copy before the copyright! 

What right do you have to copy? Is copying the right thing? I remember a blog I read a long ago. Let me see if I can get it in search! No, I can't get that blog on search, but I found a blog about Trivandrum. Check it out. 

Transcript of What Osho Talks about Creative Person 

The Artist has to live in Rebellion

because creativity is the greatest 

rebellion in existence

if you want to create, 

You have to get rid of all conditioning

Otherwise your creativity will be nothing but  copy

It will be just be a carbon copy

You can be creative only if you are an individual

You cannot create as part of mob psychology

the creators cannot follow the well-trodden path

He has to search his own way

He has to esquire in the jungles of life.

He has to go alone

He has to be a drop out from the mob mind


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