Friday 28 June 2024

This is what I noticed today and I thought I'd Share it with You- Seth Godin

Let me watch this video and share what I feel about the talk!

While I was listening to the talk by Seth Godin, I was thinking to myself make this useful I need to write down what he is saying. And, that would require a lot of replays and writing and then corrections. 

Well, no need for all that. The transcripts are readily available! 

My mission and has been for a long time is to make a certain kind of change happen I want to help people see the world differently and if they choose to make a different Choice after they see the world differently I want to help people connect to each other and to use that connection to make things better.

one's life most people spend most of their time on defense in reactive mode in playing with the cards they got instead of moving to a different table with different cards instead of seeking to change other people they are willing to be changed and part of the Arc of what I'm trying

this Mantra of is this generous is this going to connect is this going to change people for the better is it worth trying if it meets those criteria and I can control myself into doing it than I ought to right and the


I don't need to go out and promote it I don't use any analytics I don't have comments it's just this is what I noticed today and I thought I'd share it with you and for a while it was an intermittent blog and then it was a five

you they don't have very many bad ideas but people have plenty of good ideas if they're telling you the truth will say they have even more bad ideas so the goal isn't to get good ideas the goal is to get bad ideas because once you get

Discerning between good and bad ideas.

is knowing when I'm wrong is a useful skill and lots of people who do good work have trouble knowing when they haven't done good work and they think they should stick with it other people have done good work don't think they have and they pivot too soon so figuring

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