Thursday 27 June 2024

Connecting with Local Cooks and Services?

Listing of Local Talent

For the past few days I had lunch from different hotels in around Kolattor for lunch. It's typical fish and meals served in Kerala. The food was okay, not great. So, when you pay Rs 110 for fish fry and meals, I guess that's what you can fairly expect. 

But, given the money I spend, what other options do I have?

Let's suppose, I'm able to connect with a household which is willing to give the similar food for the same or slightly higher price, and more tasty and really homemade one, then I would love it. I would also love the experience of visting their place and to enjoy a share of their food made in their house?  Well, there're many like me in every locality in Kerala, and elsewhere who would like to enjoy the hospitality, taste and freshness of food made in a house!


Imagine, I'm working near Kazhakootta and I'm out of my office for lunch break what will be my options? The options will include the typical restaurants which serve rice with fish, or chicken and other dishes. 

I have heard that there are few houses which are popular with folks working in the local IT offices ( technopark area). But what about me, who's unfamiliar with the options. What are my chances of knowing a home cook who makes excellent food for their family and would like to earn something extra at noon.

So, here are my options I can think of:

1. Maintain a list of households which are willing to allow strangers to come home and dine. Probably, they can keep a table in a room or outside for people to have rice and fish.  This list could be maintained either by a social worker, a Councillor who will vet for the place, or a Local community Whatsapp group, etc. 

2. Every junction in the town should have a board which will list three or four rows or columns which will include these!

1. Lunch ( pothi Choru ) making households, snacks sellers,  party desserts, and contact number or whatsapp. How to reach them.

2. Those households which makes locally produced items, such as broom, pots, handmade towel, or food products like dried fish, powdered spices, etc ( List their contact number)

3. Organic produces - Plantains, coconut, greens ( cheera), thailum, local remedies, eggs, fish breeders, live fish, 

4. Services - Massage therapist, builder, nursery, tree cutter, coconut tree climbers, maids, people who clean the property, handy man, electricians in the locality, plumbers, drainage workers, snake catcher, doctor, auto driver, taxi driver, night watchman, cleaner, painter, welder, carpenter, social worker, a person who can do random manual work on hourly basis, dobi, singer, cook, etc.
 ( Man! Such a list would be exciting biz avenue, which can boost local area biz)  

And that's needed in every small town, community, junction! I'm excited! 😃🎉.

 I started this Facebook page ( ente Kumarapuram) on the expectation that I could collate such a list of services. But, due to my erratic posts, it's not getting traction! 

Imagine, if all these number and service providers are vetted by the local panchayat, or by the Councillors, or social workers. And, this verified list will be listed on a board in every locality. Let's make commerce happen at the grassroots.. 

So, unlike the corporation board which is lying useless, this board will be maintained, updated with the current changes. A print out of the service providers is all that is needed. 

Where did I get this thought! Well, this is one sight what made me think. An old lady came to a house carrying brooms she made. She makes some paltry some selling these chool ( broom made from coconut leaves). 


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