Thursday, 31 October 2024

Nov Project - Culture moina

I'm not sure if I'm going to culture moina. Hopefully, yes. So, if you're like me then here's the resource I found online. Also, links to buy moina!

23 Summer Vacation Time Activities for School Kids in Trivandrum

 I'm a big fan of volunteering and intership concept. I mean to say, everyone from high-school onwards should be given opportunity to do volunteering or internship with any NGO or Govt firm or private biz. All around us there are many biz ( big and small) which can use interns or volunteers to make things easy on their hands. 

For example, a person can volunteer at an art studio or support a kudambashree biz or work in a hotel, or a resort, or a Ayurveda centre, at a pet centre, or a pet rescue home, or KSRTC, Village Office, or with Horticultural Society Nishagandi, or with Tourism Dept or work at a help desk in a counselling centre, at a hospice, or work with Agro Industries Centre, or work in a Physical Rehabilitation centre, Blood Bank medical college, RCC, KTDC, MILMA, Fine Arts College, Polytechnic, Industrial estate, a school, old age home, etc. 

Well, this post was triggered by a conversation I had with a aquarium shop keeper. Btw, my interest in keep fish tank is at an all time high. I have now, four plastic tubs with fish ( guppies, zebra, mollies and platy). Also, two glass tanks with assorted fish! ( Don't know how to manage all these)

Let's get back to the topic! During the chit-chat with this guy who runs an aquarium shop in our locality, he was said that he gets moina from school kids (live worms) during school vacation. Oh! that's cool. Imagine, how kids are making some pocket money during school summer vacation! 

And, with that trigger, let me think about what all options school and college boys and girls have to make some pocket money during vacation time or just an experience working as a volunteer in a biz or govt firm..

1. Get into Paid or Free internship in a Bakery or Cafe

These days many cafes are coming up in Trivandrum. From the latest healthy food ones to other popular food chains, there's always a requirement for people to help in various activities on the biz. So, depending on the time you have and the location, you can ask a restaurant owner for openings. 

If you're above 18 you can post on WIT group and ask if anyone can refer a placement in such a biz.

2. Set-up a Lemonade / Curd Milk Stand

  If you have similar minded friends, then you all can plan a small road side stand to sell fresh lemonade or Curd Milk or Watermelon juice. Select a location which is close to home and which has potential for adequate biz 

3. Make Paper Craft or Paper machie art work

   This is for those who are inclined towards art work. Use your holiday time to make art work from waste paper and keep it for sale at art-decor stores. 

Build a Tribe That Cares, Gives, Grows, and Shares

  Sharing - Caring - Giving - Growing 

My fav area where I get different kind of thoughts is Medical College, Trivandrum, especially around evening as street lights take over.

The people milling around, rush of buses, screaming siren of ambulance, traffic lights, mute sight of Causality Building of Medical College, vendors squatting by the way side, people with xray in one hand, groundnut seller tapping his metal spoon to attract customers, medical students wearing stethoscope, boys and girls enjoying Peni ice cream, cobbler who sits on the payment, cops coming out of police station, medical store owners looking happy with the sales, broken road inside TRIDA, fruit sellers making a sale, girls in groups buying provision in a store, young people flocking at Malabar Bites, people coming in and out of Jayaram Bakery, Regunath Stores which is stuck in time, thattu kada packed during evening,  a lady who sells tender coconut, spirited people coming out of Ruby Arena bar, and all other things around. 

Why are we loosing the Caring Part in our Society! 

One answer could be this - we are busy, busy meeting ends, busy making new plans, busy taking care of our job, busy with our chores, busy to see more customers and make money, busy with our scheme, busy for the sake of being busy!

Another reason is this - We hardy come together to work on a common project! Remember the earlier years - around 70's and 80's. We formed some groups to get things done. We had to have family members to serve food during wedding and the uncles in the family would come together to make a dish or dessert or halwa. Now, we do it by outsourcing it to a caterer. 

Same in the case of shifting the house. These days we hire people ( strangers) for everything. From catering, to shifting house, to repairing a broken thing! We hardly ask a family member about a reference. In some rare cases, we do. But, most of us, we google, we put a query on a FB group, look for recommendation from a friend...

Is there a way out? I don't think so!

There's no turning back. We're more nuclear in our approach. I don't think we can go back to the old life of depending or asking a relative or friend! We go on with our everyday life, depending more on virtual support, paid labour, and we like this way! 

How can you try to build more connections?

1. Next time you have a party at home, ask your guests to bring a food they have prepared. 

2. Tell your family members to join to make a dish for the wedding! For example, if there's payasam or halwa to be made, then get some 10 or 20 family members to come a day prior to make this dish. It would be a group activity which will be guided by a chef from the family or from outside. This kind of joint activity can be space for relatives to know each other, spend time for one activity. 

3. When a person is shifting their house in your family, then form a group to help them out. Probably, you can do couple of trips to shift few things, or help in arranging things. 

4. When someone is building a house - visit their house, spend some time with them, help them financially if you have funds or if they require, or give physical support.

5. Plan a one-day outing with your family members ( at least once a year)

6. Make 

Wednesday, 30 October 2024

DIY Projects ( Collection for my Ref)

 Here's a post where I'll post all the pics and screenshots from Insta which has triggered my interest. So, instead of just shelving all these great DIY project, I can use this blog post as a repository to put all in one basket. 

How to Make this Type of Leaf Holder?

Planter with a half portion of Glass Bottle ( Doable project)

Metal stand to hang plants 

Magnetic Bookmark project ( Bible theme) 

Do you Get Ideas with Such Wall Frame

Planter Idea - Simple Gadget


DIY Plant Related  Projects

Boiled Egg Vending Machine - Bring Back Such Ads

I love eggs! Love to have eggs in any format -  half-boiled ones,full boiled ones, omelette, poached, meat stuffed egg,  scrambled, egg roast, egg sunny side up, egg gravy, egg biryani. 

These days I have the habit of eating boiled egg by 11ish. Being at home, and pitching for work has such perks. And,while having egg, I thought of the good old adv which used to come on T.V.

I'm not sure how many of you remember this adv. As I go through the comments on YouTube, it's clear that there are many who loved the lyrical beautify of this TV adv. 

Sunday ho ya Monday, roz khao ande” was a public relations campaign by the National Egg Coordination Committee (NECC) to increase egg consumption in India. The campaign was a success, and the slogan remains relevant today:

For the Love of Eggs - Egg Vending Machine

I stay close to Trivandrum, Medical College. Driving past this area, I see scores of people from morning to evening, coming to this area for cure, for work, and more importantly for hope. And, most people are there b'cos they can't afford expensive treatment in private hospitals. Moreover, many would be on a very limited food and stay budget! What about their food! 

So, what if we install an Egg Vending Machine ( 24/7)

Vending machine is something I have been vocal about. I had earlier written about Avilose Podi Vending machine. Now, imagine such a machine in Medical College area, which a person can get an egg for Rs 10. It's a comfort food, protein rich food and fulling food too. 

Wish I could sponsor a Egg Vending Machine to Medical College! Probably, would do as soon I become financially free.

Probably, old students of Medical College, Trivandrum can sponsor a machine near it's canteen or near the casualty area? 

What if this machine can doll out boiled egg, boiled tapioca, or a rice and chamandi too!

Well what are the technical aspects of this machine.

1. It should be able to work without human intervention.

2. It should have the capacity to dispense at least 200 eggs. It's powered by solar power/electric.

3. Vending machine will be connected to a water pipe. The machine will take water, use it to boil the egg, it will have the capacity to boil 30 eggs at time. It will be hard boiled ones. 

4. It will have touch screen where the user can select the number of eggs.

5. Payment is made by gpay or UPI Id

6. A person with Yellow card and Pink ration card can avail egg at Rs 60. Only two per person.

7. A person will be kept to keep see every thing is working as order. She will keep the surrounding area clean, and the daily salary will be generated from the sale of eggs. She will work on daily salary basis. 

8. Those who like to carry the egg will be given eco-friendly box to carry it. 


Curious Konnections 

Tuesday, 29 October 2024

Biz Idea for Those Who Love to Tinker with Metal

I saw an Insta reels on how to use old silverwear and metal spoons to make custom rings! It looked nice, giving a rustic feel to and make such rings a unique gift piece. 

Here's the Insta link if you want more inspiration and idea.

Old B&W Photos - I just loved these!


Vintage Photo

This photo shared by someone triggered my love for old pictures! And, it triggered something else now! What if I take old pictures, put it in a frame and sell it to people! Yes, random people. 

Well, it could be old pictures from my family album or from your album! Probably, I can add a call out, a caption to make it compelling. 

Just thinking!

Curious Konnections

Greedy Bugger!

 October is coming to a timely close. As the month ends, I have bills to pay. As my wallet accumulated nothing but change, I decided what came naturally to me! I went out to pledge! 

So, before I went to the pawn shop, my mind was thinking - how much will I get for these titbits! Will it cover my dues? A little later inside the shop, the girl said a figure that assumed me! Hello No! So much! I never expected that much! It's a big save! 

Well, the story doesn't end that way!

Sometime after, I was sipping lemonade in a shop! I was thinking, well, is that enough. What if I didn't have these dues to be paid. In that case, I would have used the money for something else. 

Hey. Did you get the point! 

We're greedy buggers! When we have nothing, we pray for something, even meager! But, when we get more, that's not enough! 

What a wonderful mind! 

Monday, 28 October 2024

How to Organize Information - This system will come Handy - LATCH

I found this video very useful. I'm not into usability, still such short videos share ideas and point in a simple format. I hope each colleges in Kerala create micro videos on various topics and uploads on YouTube. What say?

Sling Bag Collection -


Sling Bag Collection

Other day at Malabar Bites (a popular snack shop), there was a young fella with a sling bag. When asked, he showed the site.

After I left the shop, I kept on telling the name on my mind. But, in between, some big thought came like an avalanche and buried that name.  All I could remember was that it started with P. Then  searched all different keywords around pl, pulo, and whatever name that starts with P. At my search on mobile was in vain. 

Later, next day, I resumed my search on the laptop. This time, I used image search, site search. Finally, after going through many pages, I reached. Whew! 

It's  ( I guess, this site has to do a bit more SEO to wriggle its way past all the big bag brands). 

The keywords could be:

Students canvas bag 
Sling bag for men or women
Beige color cotton bags for men/women 
Unisex sling bags 
Rustic looking laptop bags for young men
Handy bags to carry 15 inch laptop bag
Canvas bag to carry laptop 
Sling bags under 1500

( These are just my suggestion)

So, this is the screenshot of the site so that I won't forget it anymore! Also, I feel this start-up needs to get headway in image search. 

Btw, who's going to gift one for me!

Curious Konnections 

P.S - Career With PLOR® ( A matter of fact page about career opening in this self funded start-up. It's very clear on what a content writer can pitch for a post. Not hangups on CV or resume. Show what you can do, and they will look into it.

Check it out, if you think you can add value ( Career With PLOR® 

Btw, I ordered a bag on 30th October 2024. 

Not the Exact Screen Shot. Edited PLOR Label on top. ( I loved the buying experience) 

Friday, 25 October 2024

Auto - Design Suggestion


Auto Passenger by the auto rickshaw

Today it rained heavily. It was quite unexpected. Probably, it's the change of season. It's thulavarsham now - a season in Kerala marked by heavy rains, thunder and lightning, 

And, in this rain I was under the roof and watching the road outside. As I was gazing without any intent, there came an auto. A lady got down from the auto and she was paying the fare. It took her sometime to open the umbrella and then few more minutes to rummage through her purse to pay the fare. 

So, in this situation, I was thinking that it would be great if there was some kind of temporary attachment on the auto which will give some cover to the passenger - till he or she opens the umbrella. 

What if there's a button on the auto which will open a small cover for the passenger. I'm not sure if this idea would work but if it works it would save lot of trouble for the passengers. 

Or it could be a 3 to 4 feet plastic rod which can be folded alongside of the roof of the auto. So, if a passenger requires a cover, then he can stretch it out. The plastic arm when stretched will give a shield from rain or sun. The material used will be similar to umbrella cloth.

So, basically, it will give some protection from rain, give passengers to open the umbrella, or just give a welcome shade from the sun when a person is paying the fare.

Probably, we can think of it like a bat's wing - when it open's it has a wide wing span! 

What do you think? Will it work the way i see it. 

Curious Konnections

My Part - Cleaning Fallen Leaves on the Road

Occasional Cleaning of the leaves and waste

I have no problem taking a broom clearing the dry leaves on the road. Well, I'm not new. My mom used to do it. Now, she's not in a great shape to do all these tasks. 

And, so I started doing it and it made me feel good. It's good b'cos it makes the road in front of my house look good and I hope people who use this road will feel good to use this road. 

Often, I wonder why most people don't do such things in Kerala. Why are such people a minority? How can we teach the new gen kids to practice such public cleaning activity? What if a popular politician or a public influencer takes up such task? 

Just saying!

Curious Konnections 

Suggestions to Hilly Acqu Water by KIIDC

Hilly Acqua & Kudambashree 

 I just landed on this site while searching the keyword - Kerala govt mineral water project. And, when I reached the site, it had the tell-tale sight that it's maintained by a govt committee. Btw, why am I so against the f&cking committe. Oh, it's nothing personal. Who know tomorrow I will be a part of a committee. The problem with most committee or teams is that it bogged by opinion of too many people, interests and they take too much time to reach the objective. 

Well, talking about committe, I came across a line on Content Marketing Institute blog and here it goes - My neighbor was a math professor at a college in San Francisco. He once told me: “The longest distance between two points travels through a committee.”

Source;    contentmarketinginstitute

Ok, let's not deviate from the main thing I want to share or suggest!

1. Why are most such sites have this word next to their url ( Not Secure

2. There's a line which says that the - Marketing of 20 Ltr Bottles  is done with Kudambashree. I felt it's a good way to form such a network. However, I haven't seen any small pickups carrying these 20 litter around Trivandrum city. 

So, here's what I think:

1.Kudambashree team with the help of fianancial support buy electric auto to distribute big and small water bottles around Trivandrum city.

2. Kudambashree members can talk to different companies, apartments, shops, BEVCO Units, Hospitals ( govt and private), party halls and take orders for 20 ltr water. They can distribute water  cans by these electric autos. Each auto is ideally managed by two ladies. One lady to drive the auto, and anther person to deliver it customer's doorstep.

3. Currently, they are dealing only with 20 Ltr water jar. I feel, they can distribute packets of 1 ltr bottles (case) and 500 ml. If Hilly Acqua makes ice cubes, then it can be a add-on product which gives more value. ( made by Hilly Acqua at Arivakara unit

Also, when they say - Hilly Aqua is the safest way to drink pure water., does the website contain pictures or video to support this statement about quality and purity of the water?

3. Make a water vending machine and keep it stocked at Medical College, Thampanoor Bus Stands and other common areas. They can fill it with 500ml and 1 ltr plastic bottles. Also, if they tie up with MILMA, same vending machine can dispense curd milk, or cold coffee ( amul) or similar other products. 

4. Provide the contact number of the Kudambashree associate who takes care of taking orders. So, from the website they can get leads. 

Curious Konnections 

Pickle Sale at BEVCO by Kudambashree (Small Biz Product Cross Selling )


Netholi Pickle ( SJ Poultry)

Bills on the Floor

Unkept Floor at BEVCO Outlet

It's a familar sight in this booze outlet shop in Trivandrum. The tell tale sight that it's run by a committe, not a private individual who would be worried about the next door competition. 

So, this post is not about the problem with the unkept premises of BEVCO. Well, it's easy to complain as I'm not sure how they are understaffed or overworked in a such shops!

I have a solution for you guys. A suggestion that might work! 

Here's the thing! I recently bought netholi pickle from a chicken store. I liked the taste and I wished it could be a good touchings when I have booze! 

Now the suggestion is this - what if BEVCO centres have a stand where customers can pick snacks, water ( kerala Govt made water), Kudambashree made Pickels and condiments, and chappati made by Prison inmates, etc. 

Here's how it could be implemented:

1. Set-up a stand to keep such stuffs inside the BEVCO centre. A kudambashee member can manage it or even suggest customers about the options. Along with their titbits, they can sell, chilled water ( Kerala Govt made mineral water - Hilly Aqua), ice cubes ( keep it in a thermacol box), cups and spoons ( Natural ones made by a small biz unit in Trivandrum.)

2. Kudambashee products will be verified for quality and taste! ( Customer feedback will be taken) 

3. Kudambashree will be given the space free of cost or will be charged a nominal amount. 

4. In return for the space, kudambashree members will have to sweep the premises ( 4 times a day), cleaning the paper bills on the floor, dropping it in a waste basket, clearing any empty bottles lying around, and making the space clean all the time. 

If Kudambashree members are not available for this project, then they can buy these from outside vendors ( vetted by the BEVCO) and sell it in their space. 

What do you think of this plan?

Along with it, these booze stores can sell, carry bags ( made by small biz ventures), and even provide a list of verified bar staff ( who can be mix and serve drinks in a party). 

Curious Konnections

Thursday, 24 October 2024

A Rainy Day in Trivandrum ( 25/10/24)


Rains in Trivandrum. This where I paused the video, then shot again. I like the way it mixed. However, I need to improvise the flow and right edits. 

What if I learn video editing and use tool like Filimora or Premier Pro? And, use these skills to generate a second income! 

Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Programme to Moot Caravan Park in Tourist Centres

Good Initiative to boost tourism

For sometime, govt has been initiating the scheme to facilitate caravan parks in Kerala. However, the response has been lukewarm. So, what's stalling such initiative. 

More links:

1. Caravan parks in Kerala 
2. Caravan park in Bekal  

3. First Caravan park in Idiki  

4. Hire a Caravan n Kerala - Travel Packages in kerala 

Monday, 21 October 2024

Creative Person in Us!


Creative Person - Power within us!

We're all creative! Somehow, we loose that creative skill in our daily pursuit- the skill to connect the seemingly unconnected. 

It was a aha moment when I saw this quote. I just wonder why someone is far good in finding random connections and using that connection to start a biz, solve a problem, make our community better or improve their life, etc. 

So, what triggers us to make random connections! Is it a bolt in the sky type of thought, or is it something which comes with introspection? 

I'm not sure. As of me, I sometimes get into the mode of making random connection based on what I know, based on my experiences or things I have seen. 

One way to increase this skill is to meet people, be in different places and situations, find how one connects with the unrelated one, and so on. 

So, how to use this creative skill to make a living? Is there any value for being creative? How to monetize this skill? 

That's what I'm trying to connect!

Curious Konnections

P. S - I started this blog by around may end of 2024. The traffic to this site is best said as dismal. Yet,that's not stopping me from sharing, finding that connection, and again sharing. And, today, I just scrolled around to see the number of posts which has zero traffic. I counted till 41 posts and I stopped with that. Damn! I feel most posts I had written has any visits so far. Just lonely posts! 

However, that's not stopping me from sharing pics, sharing thoughts and quotes! Hope is a magical word!

P.S.S - These two posts are written out just from straight connections. One is the post about our ITI institutes starting weekend classes, Diwali Padakam License ( Single Window Clearance) and is about ISRO Young Scientist program.  

And, there are few other posts, which are written based on random connections. Here are few of them.

1. Rosa Mystica ( Church Related Suggestion)  

2. Connecting Local Service Providers  

3. Avilose Podi Vending Machine  

4. Bougainvillea Fest  

5. GPS in KSRTC - ഒറ്റമൂലി. 

6. E-district AI Automation  

7. FB Page for Every KSEB Sub Station  

8. Traffic Sargent 👮‍♀️ Required at Kumarapuram 

9. Situational Awareness in Cars  

10. NANMA - Kerala Brand  

11. Kerala - Next Door Initiative 

12. Nanma ( Taking it forward) 

Labour Unions in Kerala - Makeover Plan

Sunday, 20 October 2024

Kerala Biz Ideas and Keralam Govt Initiatives

 As I write more about Kerala, a state I'm more familiar with, I think, I need a separate post to collate all the ideas under one roof. So, here goes all the hacks, suggestions, and ideas. 

Kerala Biz Initiatives 

Suggestions on various Kerala Govt Agencies, Departments 

1. E-district Makeover with AI 

   The plan of this post is to introduce AI in edistrict portal so that it can process application in an automatic way and reduce the backlogs. Moreover, it will reduce human errors, and fasten the application process. 

2. K-Nanma ( Govt Helpline)

    This plan is based on the similar poverty helpline in US ( 211). So, this could be used by the central govt and by state government which provides a 24/7 helpline to call for any needs of the public. 

3. BEVCO - Customer Friendly Biz Outlet Initiative

  Can we expect BEVCO to do differently that the way it's run now. How can we make booze available to citizens in a better and organized way. This post is about the areas of improvement. Well, there are many things done 

4. NANMA - Can we make a profound impact

 Recently Kerala govt introduced a quality standard initiative called NANMA. The plan looked good in paper and I hope it does the intendend objective. Perhaps, it could be made even better with these ideas. 

5. Achar Sale at BEVCO ( 25/10/24) 

6. ITI Chakai ( Weekend Programme) 


ITI Wood Working Courses for Public


Wood Working Courses

Today is  21/10/24. I'm just wishing everyone a beautiful week ahead! Hopefully, we all get to experience, new things, try out new gigs, meet with new people or donate something to someone who is in need! 

When I opened facebook, this pic caught my attention. It's a pic of a wood working course by a technical college in US. While I saw this pic, I was thinking of many ITI, Vocational Schools, and Polytechnics spread around Kerala. 

Of the many ITI, I know one in Chakai, Central Polytechnic at Vattoorkavu and Women's Polytechic at Kaimanam.

So, here's the plan to make these institutions open to public for short term courses ( weekend)

1. Start a separate Facebook and Instagram account to promote such courses and re-brand these institutions. 

2. Provide short term courses ( wood working class or basic welding class, basic car repair class or basic astronomy class, graphic design class, embroidery classes, pottery classes, gardening class, class on how to grow mushroom, pickle making, squash, bakery classes, hospitality training, nail art, crochet work, AI, Workshop on how to use ChatGPT, Robotics workshop and race, Anime drawing, How to do doddling, etc)

3. Either make use of the existing faculty or hire experts from outside. If existing faculty is used, then provide a decent allowance based on the number of enrollments. 

4. Create captivating visuals of the workshop and promote it using influences 

What's the Objective:

1. Make these institutions relevant in this era. We all know that the popularity of these training institutes has gone down. Such short term lessons in their premises is a way to monetize this space, provide training to public, and also income for many other staff who assist this program. 

But, who will Take the Initiative 

To make such activities work, it should be headed by a person who can create a good marketing plan and also bring right talent. Also, the lessons or courses selected must be relevant to the people. For example, the right branding of this programme is required. It requires a different mindset - different from the way govt programs work. 

Whom So Ever IT May Concern! ( Letter to Director of Technical Education, Trivandrum)

What if I mail a copy of this post and send as a suggestion to the Director of Technical Education or the Minister who takes care of Technical Education or Vocational Training in Kerala?

Will they entertain or consider or just do nothing about such suggestions? 

Probably, they would say that we already have such courses. But, what I'm saying is in a complete re-branding of ITI or Polytechic institutions. To make such initiatives effective, these programs should be headed by a separate mentor, not the Principal of the concerned institution. 

What do you say?

Curious Konnections

P.S - I would be interested to join for a basic carpentery  class where they will teach people how to make a wooden shelf over the weekend or a bird house or a wooden bench to take it to home.What do you think? 

Sample pic for reference: 👇

Basic Carpentry Course ( Source: Insta)

Astronaut Training for Children in NASA

Astronaut Training for Children NASA

A news clip carried a story of a girl who became a pilot. And, the experiences which gave her the flight of imagination to become a pilot. It's the story of the Maitreyee piloted a flight which was facing a technical snag and managed to land safely on the ground with 141 passengers to Trichy. 

In the article, there was the mention of astronaut training for children by NASA. On reading this, I was wondering if ISRO has similar program. 

While searched online, I found couple of activities and training conducted by ISRO. One such programe is YUva VIgyani KAryakram (YUVIKA)  or "Young Scientist Programme"by ISRO. One more thing I wish to know is how similar are the training given by NASA and ISRO, which can ignite the imagination of young minds! 

Do ISRO benchmark their training for young people with the similar other astronaut related agencies? Do they contact attendees to know what they experienced and try to add to their training programme. 

Just thinking!

Curious Konnections 

Saturday, 19 October 2024

Attn Facebook Gatekeepers! New Kind of Spam Posts on my Facebook Wall


Click Bait Topics on Facebook 

About BMW - Spam type posts on Facebook

These days I'm noticing this kind of posts which keeps appearing on my facebook wall. These posts are no use to me, so I need clicking the option - Hide all Poss from __   . At first I thought I won. But, the more I hide the posts from my feeds, more are appearing with similar format. The tell tale signs of the posts are the numberd posts. Often the headline reads as Ten Unknown Facts About #BMW. 

Also, if such posts are appearing in my fb feeds, then the chances are that it will appear for you! 

Suggestion to Facebook!

So, if any of the Facebook staff, gatekeepers reads this post, then pls do something about it. Either, you can tweak your internal algorithm to catch such types of posts like "Ten Facts about...." as a potential spam. To support this, if a fb user clicks to hide the posts from a person, then it's an added confirmation about it. 

Let's try to make things easy!

Curious Konnections 

Pork Shop at Nalanchira , Trivandrum

Pork portions at the shop

Kripa Cold Storage - Pork Shop at Nalanchira

Earlier, I used to buy pork from Premier Cold Storage, Medical College, Tvm. At that time, I used to buy packeted pork bits by MPI. 

Lately, I buy pork from Nalanchira. Though, I'm not that happy with the way they cut the pork, I feel it's fresh than the packed ones. ( Kripa Cold Storage, Ph# 9388269338. 

Btw, I have used Swiggy Gine to pick pork from the shop. It saves time. But, I'm not sure about the pork cut. I usually buy pork which has meat and fat in equal portions. However, most shop keepers are always on a hurry mode to listen to our preference. ( What to do?)

What kind of pork recipes do you make at home?

My wifey makes pork vindaloo and pork pepper roast. Both are good in its own way. Now, I wish she makes pork spare ribs ( grilled). I think, the last time I have pork ribs was at Koshy's Bangalore.

So, what's your fav pork curry? 
Have you tried Pandi curry, Coorgi style? 

Curious Konnections 

Other shops selling pork in Trivandrum:

1. Shop at Spenser's Jn 

List of Tourist Activities in Varkala Beach


Varkala Black Beach 

Varkala Beckons!

At one time Kovalam used to the beach destination in Kerala. Now, that spot is taken by Varkala, which is around 40km from Trivandrum.

With more tourists visiting Varkala beach, I have more reason to share my experiences, pics taken of the beach, and other personal observation about this cliff beach.

So, on this blog post  I've listed the main activities visitors can experience. 

Reaching Varkala By Train

Varkala is a 45 minute train from Trivandrum. You have to check the trains which stops at Varkala. From Varkala railway station to the cliff beach ( Heli Pad), the auto guys usually charge somewhere around Rs 120.

First of all, I'll tell you what I do when I visit Varkala.

For folks like us in Trivandrum, Varkala is a short trip. Most people would be driving down to Varkala by car. But, I personally prefer train travel.

From Varkala railway station, it's a short ride by auto to Heli Pad point. From there, we usually walk to Black Beach. Once we packed coffee and sandwiches. So, like a typical picnic trip, we spread out a sheet and had our breakfast in this black beach ( Thiruvambadi).

Apart from this walk, we don't go for much exploration. Once we have our breakfast, we slowly walk back to the begining of the cliff ( towards heli pad point). Next, we choose one of the restaurants on the cliff  - where we order beer and snacks. Restaurants like ABBA or Green Holiday or from Shee Ram Cafe at Black Beach or Darjeling cafe, etc offers good view of the beach.  

One more activity at this place is to take pics of all things around - view of the beach, cliff, flowers on the edge, people at work, curios kept for sale, etc. This is a major time pass for me! 

Tourist Activities in Varkala Beach

Relax on the Beach: Enjoy sunbathing and swimming on the beautiful sandy shores.

Water Sports: Engage in activities like parasailing, jet skiing, and kayaking.

DJ Nights - Varkala is becoming popular for many DJ nights. 

Massages - I wish there were massages on the beach. For now, you can check many of the massage centres on the cliff or in places around this town.

Surf School: Varkala beach is also know for surfing lessons. There are many who teach surfing lessons. 

Yoga Classes -  

Cliff Walk 

Explore Varkala town and surrounding villages 

Varkala Surf School Lessons: These surf lessons are for all skill levels, focusing on safety and technique. Experienced instructors guide you through the basics of surfing. Rentals are also available.

  1. Surf N Sea -Surf school & Hoste
    📍 Thiruvambadi Rd, near varkala aquarium, Varkala, Ph# 097467 76690

  2. MOANA SURF CLUB ( Website :

  3. Moon Waves Surf School ( Visit this website for details of surfing lessons,
    📍 Near Kunnuvila Temple, North Cliff, Varkala |  Mob: +91 90489 32625


    Location: Kuttikkadu temple junction, Juicy cafe Black beach, Road Thiruvambadi road, Black Beach, Varkala

    Ph#: 070344 0013

  5. Elixir Surf School

    Address: Black Beach, N Cliff Rd, Varkala, Trivandrum
    Phone: 080755 25978


  6. Paddle Cult Surfing School, Varkala Beach  

    Location: Black beach road Thiruvambadi, beach, Varkala,
    🏄‍♀️ Surf & Stay📍Varkala  
    For stay & sessions :+918156880064, +9197458510


    📍 Janardanapuram, Altharamoodu, Varkala,
    Phone: 062353 53094


  8. Soul & Surf Kerala,
    📍 Golden Beach, South Cliff, Janardhanapuram
    Phone: 098958 42538 

    Instagram handle:

    Soul & Surf India. Surf, yoga & therapies in Kerala with seriously good vibes.

  9. Baywatch Surf School Varkala
    📍 Location: Pachamama Beach Resort, Varkala, 

    Phone: 094000 05021

  10. Tropical sunset school of surf

    📍 Address: near Green pepper Home stay, Varkala,

    Ph# 91 7356787887, +91 9526434518, +91 9995745433
    We Love Surfing & We Love to Teach 

    Green pepper South cliff perumkulam varkala

  11. Copa cabana 

    Address: Helipad, N Cliff Rd, Varkala
    Phone: 096333 9392

  12. Hope Surf School, Varkala  
    📍The Lost Hostels, Varkala Helipad Road, Varkala
    Phone: 070124 16343 

  13. surfonasup

    📍 Paravur - Varkala Rd, Kappil, Edava,
    Phone: 097443 81542


  14. Surf Turf Varkala
    📍 Vettakada, Edava, Varkala,


    📍Black beach, behind Varkala Aquarium, Varkala 
    Phone: 085904 89329

  16. Saltybaba SurfShack

    📍Helipad, Varkala
    Ph# 097460 53008 


  17. Kuma Surfs  
    📍 MidStay, North middle cliff,  🤙🏾
    DM to book your surf adventure and stay with us.🏠
    Varkala, Kerala 🌴

    For inquiries Ph# +91 9995338248

    Kuma Surf House, Varkala 695141 

  18. House of Surf by Tripright 

    📍 1st Floor , Building No. EPXII/369A, Thunduvayal, Odayam Beach Road, opposite Tamarind Villa, Varkala

    Phone: 083040 95993 


     21. Mahalo Surf Varkala
    ( Insta Profile
    ☎️: 7559026853, 6235353094

Other links with information about surf lessons in Varkala:


Yoga Classes in Varkala

1. Rama school of yoga

This yoga school offers 200 hours of Yoga Teachers Training Certification (TTC) that is authorized and approved by international organization, Yoga Alliance.

For details, visit this site:


Phone +91 9746535579

📍 ADDRESS: Beach Side Resort, Near Manthara Temple, Varkala 

Ayurvedic Massage Centres in Varkala:

Kerala Ayurveda and Wellness Centre: Offers traditional Ayurvedic massages and treatments to rejuvenate your body and mind.

Jiva Ayurveda: Provides personalized wellness therapies focusing on relaxation and healing.

Cliff Walks:
Stroll along the scenic cliffs with breathtaking views of the Arabian Sea.

Places to Stay in Varkala North Cliff


Places to be, Experiences to relish and things to do while in Varkala

Visit Janardhana Swami Temple: An ancient temple known for its beautiful architecture and serene atmosphere.

Explore Anjengo Fort: A historical site with stunning views, ideal for photography and history enthusiasts.

Shopping: Browse local handicrafts, sound bowl, souvenirs, and clothing at nearby shops and markets.

Yoga Classes: Join yoga sessions on the beach or at local studios for relaxation and wellness.

Nightlife: Enjoy beach side cafes and bars with live music and vibrant atmospheres.

Places to be and things to do while in Varkala

Places Around Varkala

Papanasam Beach: Known for its spiritual significance as many people visit this beach on Karkidaka Vavu day to perform Bali. Bali, is a Hindu ritual to honor deceased ancestors that is performed in Kerala, India

Kappil Beach: A quieter beach with picturesque views and a peaceful ambiance.

Sivagiri Mutt: A renowned pilgrimage center with historical importance.

Ponnumthuruthu Island: A serene island perfect for a day trip, accessible by boat.

Muthappan Temple: A traditional temple showcasing local culture and rituals.

These activities and nearby places make Varkala a vibrant destination for tourists!

Which Part of Varkala is Popular? Is it the South Cliff or North Cliff?

If you prefer to be in a beach with less people, then South Cliff is for you. There are few cafes here and few resorts which provides accommodation and stay. 

Cafe and Accommodation at South Cliff in Varkala

1. CAFE SARWAA, Varkala
South Cliff Perungulam -

Ph#: 095622 90006 

I would say this would be a great place to read a book, work on your laptop, basically good for the creator gigs. 

Hotel resort
" India's first luxury beachview container villa, a pioneering concept in sustainable, high-end hospitality" Temple Rd, Varkala, 

Reservation : Ph# +91 96330 96006


Walk on the cliff path

What are the activities at Varkala?

1. Dream Catcher Workshop 

Make dream Catcher in this workshop at Varkala

2. Sip & Paint Retreat 🎨
Imagine a retreat where you get to take things slow- kayak to a private island, settle down to a “Sip & Paint” workshop, guided by our creative artist @daveenak_ watching the quintessential Varkala sunset, sipping on wine-painting the sea and everything you see.
🌸Upcoming Sip & Paint Dates:
8-12 November : 6 slots left
15-19 November :8 slots left
Retreat Highlights:
🏄‍♀️ Surfing
🎨 Sip & Paint Workshop
🌄 Sunrise Island Picnics
💆‍♀️ Relaxing Healing Massage

Ph# Phone: 083040 95993 

Off-Beat Things to Do at Varkala!

1. Take a walk from Varkala Beach to Thangassery beach in Kollam. ( One of my friend walked all  the way by the shoreline. Few stretches along the coastline were blocked by rocks. If you encounter such spots, then choose a route by the road and then join back to the beach). It's not easy walk, though. 

If you plan such a walk, start early and ask for suggestion from local or people who can guide you. Btw, I wish there was a route map for a such a walk. 

A suggestion to KTDC or Travel Vloggers, Hotels at Varkala - Make a short video, or make a trail route by the beach and make it into a ( PDF). Or, a blog post with pictures, sights and obstacles of this route will be informative content for a walker.

2. Visit the Fish Breeding Unit near Black Beach ( Thiruvampadi Beach) and ask if  you can work as a  volunteer ( Last time I saw the building, the premises were filled with overgrown plants. You can suggest you can do a cleaning job or you can scrub the interiors, or buy them few essentials that can be used there). I'm not sure if they have such programme. Perhaps, you will be the first one to ask! :)

3. Stay at South Cliff at Varkala and go to the beach at midnight for a nude shower! ( Risky proposition. So, do so, if you have company). Btw, don't get into the water. Take couple of pics of your silhouette. Those memories of will stay with you. (Also, be vary of other people. So, do such acts discretely and with caution)

4. Get someone to massage you on the beach ( Again, under the cover of darkness). A safer option if you stay in a hotel overlooking the beach would be to use your balcony space to get a masseur to massage you! 
If you have such plans, choose a resort or hotel with a large balcony..( Choose only professional and decent fellas or lady to do body pampering)

5. Donate few essentials at a nearby Aganwadi Centre ( each unit provides basic health care in rural area) and donate things that are essential for kid's welfare.

6. Join for beach clean up programmer. If not, ask for few people to join for a beach clean-up early i the day. Also, find out where you can discard the plastic bottles. If you've friends who have come for the trip to Varkala, it could a feel good activity to do in the morning. 

7. Get in touch with the local panchayat president or secretary and ask how you can donate a waste bin to keep it by the beach. (If you run a biz or work for a company, or you're member of a club, you can get that name on the bin)

8. Join one of the activities in Varkala like Sip & Paint Retreat 🎨 ( , or  Dream Catcher Workshop or cooking class, or just explore Varkala's rice fields and backwater area, or rent a cycle to see the village life beyond the beaches.  

9. Get someone to do Body Paint 
    If this is in your bucket list of activities to do, then you can plan for such an artistic activity. Only problem is to get the right person who has the skill and knowledge to do body painting. Imagine, taking home picture of your b**bs looking like mickey mouse or your man thing looking an elephant trunk.... Well, there's no limit to the imagination! 

10) Try Powered Para Gliding at Varkala 

       There are couple of para gliding clubs in Varkala. Check these links to site and choose a club which has the right credentials. 

1. Fly Varkala +91-85929 89898 
      Facebook Page Link 


11. Kayaking, Paddle Jet Ski at Varkala 

     If you like water sports activities, then there are many options for you. You can go for kayaking, or paddling on the backwaters or jet ski at Varkala beach. 

Varkala Kayaking club & Boating in mangroves - 

12. Explore Varkala Mangroves 

      Just few kilometers from Varkala there are backwater areas where you can go on a country boat ride, or explore the mangroves in the surrounding areas. 

Friday, 18 October 2024

List of Popular Builders and Apartments in Trivandrum

 This is just a random post after I wrote the post about Vfive apartments in Kumarapuram. What if I'm able to find out or make a list of all apartments ( big and small) in Trivandrum. Probably, such a list might be useful for a potential home buyers. 

Also, I can use this list to promote one of my services, which is to create apartment walk-through videos! 

  1. Favorite Homes 

  2.  ICloud 

  3.  VFive Homes 

  4. . Desi Homes 

  5. SOBHA Limited

  6. Nikunjam Builders

  7. Heather Homes

  8. Confident Group

  9. SFS Homes

  10. Asset Homes

  11. Skyline Builders

  12. Shanoor Homes

  13. Indroyal Properties

  14. Prime Property Developers

  15. Cordial Properties

  16. Kalyan Developers

  17. Olive Builders

  18. Malabar Developers

  19. Varma Homes

  20. iCloudHomes

  21. Artech Realtors

  22. Sowparnika | Apartments .

  23. Sun Homes

  24. Sree Dhanya Homes