Friday 20 September 2024

Traffic Sargent 👮‍♀️ Required at Kumarapuram

 Have you lately driven across Kumarapuram junction during peak hours? 

I think the way traffic in Trivandrum has swelled in the recent past, the effect of this is see in traffic bottlenecks, gridlocks, and rise of high decibel honking..

I hardly honk. Well that's my nature. Sometimes, I feel I should honk more to alert people coming by the bend. Now, you know that I, belong very rare breed of people who are averse to honking.

Do You Honk at Traffic Signals?

I know I asked the wrong question? Most of us out here are honk happy! But, I'm just not made for this! One place honking is not required is at traffic signal, but now that stop has been taken by the fuc*ingaverage honkers. 

Like it or not, we have to leave with it. It's just a way of life here. Perhaps I've crossed a certain age where my noise tolerance levels are dwindling. 

Btw, the arseholes should be send for honking rehabilitation centers where they should be counseled or a honk should be kept right on head. One group of people who has taught people to honk carelessly are the govt vechile drivers, esp cars with MLAs or MPs who run through our narrow roads. Have you lately seen any motoracade of our ministers! It's downright atrocious, the high decibel  level of their honks. ( Someone got to study and report this)

 And, I wonder why no one has taught them the optimal use of honk, when these adults were at school, college or during the driving test. 

This post is NOT about honking on Indian roads, but a service which is much required at Kumarapuram junction.

There's a need for the service of a private Traffic Sargent. By saying traffic sergeant, I mean someone who can manage traffic, guide pedestrians to cross the road and ensure that  ambulances cross the signal without delay. 

But, the big question is this - who's going to pay for her service? Well, it could be a builder who has an apartment in Kumarapuram side ( This Sargent can wear a vest with the name of the sponsor) , a group of shop keepers, or a residents association in Kumarapuram or an individual who can volunteer for this service. 

Ideal and Desired Qualities of a Traffic Sargent ( She Will be the Benchmark)

There's one traffic sargent near Cosmopolitian Hospital. If you've passed that route, there's a good chance you would have seen her, managing traffic in that busy spot.

The way she does her job, her dedication, alertness, is just a class apart. 💯. So, we need clones of her to manage traffic signals. Perhaps, the traffic police department should record her work and use that in traffic management training classes. ( Btw, is there any visual record of good traffic cop?) 

She is the epitome of a person in such a role. Probably, she should be promoted, given special recognition and the way she work should be noted as a benchmark. 

Well, if you wish to see her in action, then you can go near Cosmopolitican Hospital entrance and you'll see how she manages the traffic. The best part of her work is that she is dynamic, and friendly. ( A super performer!)👮‍♀️

Btw, what are specific role of a traffic sergeant at Kumarapuram?🚦

1. Often the vehicles coming from KIMS side,  Poonthi road toward Kumarpuram junction blasts their horn to go to the left ( toward Medical College). Many times when the signal is green to turn left, other vehicles block the way. ( A traffic sergeant should see to this and guide vehicles to keep to the right side of the road) This will give way for cars to take left and turn to Medical College. 

2. Ambulances frequent this road. Often they get struck in the tail of the traffic. A diligent traffic sargant can direct the flow of traffic, such that the ambulances move quickly without waiting in the traffic. 

3. Help pedestrians to cross the road. 

4. Maintain order of vehicles at the traffic stop. 

5. Option to Manage Traffic Signals Manually - The traffic Sargent should have a switch so that he or she can manage the traffic signal when it fails or when there's a contingency to manage the traffic.

For example, if the traffic gets pilled up in one part of the road, then automatic traffic signaling is not effective. In that case, such a person can manually control the red and green signals. In such cases, there's a general rule in traffic rule management, that not all traffic is created equal. For example, in the morning rush hour, one side of the road gets the most traffic, while the other side is relatively less. 

I feel we need intelligent systems which can change the signaling system depending on the time of the day. 

So, what do you think about the ideas of someone sponsoring a traffic cop or sargent at a particular area? Is there any such system in place? For example, big institutions like Infosys and UST can sponsor the person who manages the traffic in front of their campus at Kazhakootam. Likewise, Cosmopolitan Hospital, KIMS, Lulu Mall...etc can pitch in to make things better for pedestrians and vechicle owners. 

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