Friday 23 August 2024

Canara Bank Branding on Roof Top!

 Recently, I noticed a Canara Bank board by the side of the road near Technopark area. It was the typical blue color board with the logo of Canara Bank in  the background. This board by the side of lane had the arrow mark to show the location of the Technopark branch.

This board is visible to anyone who waits at the traffic light near to Infosys boat shaped building at Trivandrum . And, while I waited here, I thought of this random connection, which could be a publicity stunt for Canara bank! 

Before getting to the heart of the matter, let me take you on a flight over Trivandrum.

For those who have landed in Trivandrumt must have seen this! 

One of the first sight of Trivandrum from an aircraft, is the scores of coconut trees, the view of roof tops of houses,and the pale blue ocean. And as it descends further down for the final approach, the houses become more visible - no just houses, it's the numerous blue roof of the houses. 

What's the Blue Roof Doing with the Houses in Kerala

Due to climate change, summer months are becoming extremely hot and rains are heavy during monsoon months. Such adverse climatic conditions are causing cracks on terrace roof. So, to protect the house, many home owners are installing additional sun roof. The roofing sheet used is mostly metal or plastic roof.. And many such sheets are blue in color.

 ( )

And while the plane curves around the Arabian sea coastline, the roofs stare at us with a vacant expression, hiding the houses and stories of people living under these roofs. And, so, our story begins here!

So, what if we find a possibility of branding on house roof! 

Plan 1 for Canara Bank 

What if Canara bank paints the logo on the roof of the houses located close to the landing stretch - places like Muttara, Poonthara area, Valyathura, and the houses located by the side of the highway or landing strip. Apart from just painting logo on roof, it can use this opportunity to promote house rennovation loan package. 

So, Canara bank can take the initiate to provide loans with flexible repayment option for people to fix plastic or metal roofing. I guess there will be many takers for this scheme in Kerala as we are witnessing heavy bouts of rain and severe summer blaze.

So, these roofs provide an additional protection from both elements of nature and protects the terrace from cracks and leaks.

Plan 2 for NANMA Kerala Brand

Recently, Kerala has taken up Nanma brand as a visage of quality and value. Probably, this brand logo of NANMA Kerala could be painted on roofs of houses around the landing area. 

3 Govt Can Make a Big logo of NANMA Kerala, which can be seen from the Flight!

 Let's assume that govt takes the initiative to utilize an open land, to plant coconut trees in the shape of Nanma logo! By this, people flying out or Visiting Trivadrum can see the new branding story of Kerala.

So, as per this wild or crazy branding idea - imagine, if someone or govt take up a plan to arrange coconut trees to resemble the brand logo of NANMA.  It can be done in a sufficiently large space, where they can replant coconut trees and around it it can landscaped to give it a quick impression. What do you think? Will it make the story of Kerala unique? Is there any such experiments done in foreign countries? 

View of Naaden ( Source; )

Imagine such an ariel view of NANMA Logo around a water body, with garden space, park and recreation facility.  Also, in such a space, a big QR Code should be placed which could be read from airplane travelers ( Fancy or it could be a futuristic Idea)

Another suggestion for an ariel view icon for Kerala!

1. One is the image of NAMA ( Mentioned above)

2. Image or the emblem of Kerala ( The emblem depicts two elephants guarding the state emblem and the Travancore Kingdom emblem, which is a silver conch shell.)

This could be done either by pruning plants in this shape or use a structure which use water, plants and hedges to depict the emblem

3. Logo of Kerala Tourism God's own country. 

  Imagine if the logo of Kerala tourism is made on the big scale on the ground, such that all flights can see the welcoming sign of Kerala tourism from the sky! Wow! 

Imagine a tourist reaching Trivandrum or Kochi airport get to take a picture of this before landing! Wow to that! So, we're creating an experience for the traveller before he or she lands in our state. The captain of the flight can also suggest people about the view as they approach the landing area. 

4. A large lettering of the name Ayurveda for Kerala. So, big it can be seen from the plane.It could be near Agastyar mountain range, the abode of Agasthyar Muni, the father of Ayurveda. 

Just Saying!

Curious Konnections 

PS - If any Canara Bank employee sees this post, then pls do consider this promotion gimmick! Btw, apart from just branding purpose, Canara bank can come up with a special promotion for solar sell installation on such roofs. And, when a solar panel is installed in a house with Canrana bank's loan, they can paint their logo with a line saying - Powered by Canara Bank! 

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