Saturday 31 August 2024

Fed Up with Being Ignored to Take Orders? Why Bar Staff Are Ignoring Your Table?


Beer at a Place in Tvm

Last week a friend came and three of us went to have beer! It was a bar close to our house as it was the obvious choice.

This place is known for good food. So, before further ado, let me thank the chef and the cooking staff for the good food! ( Btw, a side point here. Is there a quick way to hire or connect with the cooks or chefs in a restaurant. If another restaurateur visits a hotel and falls in love with the food, is there a way he or she can reach out to the chef and give an offer to move to a new place? ) 

Why Customer Service in Bars in Trivandrum Sucks!

I have been to few bars in Trivandrum and most times I never felt nothing great about the serve dolled out. After each service, I ask myself this - why is it so difficult to provide a decent service, even when these buggers get tips from customers like me. 

Why Most Waiters Here Suck at their Job

This time at this bar, the experience was quite below par. We were sitting in one corner in this dimly lit bar. The view from the roof top was great. However, after we ordered beer, I had to raise my hand sky high to get the attention of the waiters. Even after many attempts of raising my hand, waiters still ignored us. The sad part is that the waiter who served beer, acted very busy at other tables. He could have just come around asking if we want something. 

Waiters Good in Acting Busy ( Why are they not Motivated to Smile or to Serve)

This is the most common flaw with waiters. They just pretend to be busy. And, another technique they do is to have a tunnel vision or appear as if they don't see other tables.

In our case too, I even tried lifting my hand and even shouted hello! Even after all these gymnastics, the water who served the near by table, completely ignored the table. The more I lifted my hand, more he focused his vision on the people on the table.

I think the waiter who was serving in the next table acted as if there was a lekshmana rekha. Well, we know these waiters have certain tables allotted. However, he could just look at us and tell then he will inform the waiter or do the require service.

But, this waiter must have thought.... that table is none of my biz. So, why the fuckshould I take another order or even acknowledge.

Why Scanning of Table is Important for Good Service 

I'm damn sure that these waiters know that customers might require some thing. They just don't want to serve or attend a request. So, a person with such an intention hardly show a stance to serve!

If I was the one who was running a restaurant or bar like this, then I would first give practical training on how to scan all the tables and keep going around looking for any order requirement. If he or she is not able to follow these basic instructions, then I would replace him for somonesuch a place, either I will set this straight or I'll surely fire him or give him the training on how to walk around the serving space. 


Here's what ChatGPT has to say about this! 

Practical Training for Workers on Attending Every Table

Regular Table Scanning: Train staff to scan the entire dining area every 5 minutes to ensure no table is left unattended or overlooked.

Assigned Zones: Divide the restaurant/bar into specific zones, assigning waitstaff to particular areas. Ensure they regularly check all tables in their designated zone.

Non-Verbal Cues: Teach staff to recognize non-verbal cues from customers, such as looking around or trying to make eye contact, as signs that they need assistance.

Proactive Greeting: Instruct waitstaff to greet new customers as soon as they are seated and briefly check in every 15-20 minutes to see if the table needs anything.

Use of Technology: Implement handheld devices or apps that remind waitstaff to check on tables at set intervals, ensuring consistent attention.

Empathy Training: Encourage staff to put themselves in the customer’s shoes, understanding the frustration of being ignored and emphasizing the importance of timely service.

Check-in Routine: Develop a routine where waitstaff ask if everything is satisfactory each time they pass a table, even if the customers haven't actively signaled for attention.

Source: ChapGpt ☝️

Tips for Customers to Get the Best Service

Choose a Central Table: Select a table in a highly visible area, where it's easier for waitstaff to notice you.

Establish Eye Contact Early: As soon as you sit down, make eye contact with a waiter and give a friendly nod or wave to establish a connection.

Be Polite but Assertive: Politely but clearly signal your need for service, whether by raising your hand or calling out if the waitstaff is nearby.

Weird Ways to Get a Waiter's Attention

The Napkin Trick: Drop a napkin or utensil on the floor near the aisle and pick it up slowly. This often catches the attention of waitstaff as they pass by.

Pretend to Take Notes: Pull out a notepad and start writing things down while glancing at the waitstaff. The curiosity might prompt them to approach your table.

The Dramatic Sigh: Exaggerate a sigh or look of disappointment when the waiter is within earshot. The unusual behavior might trigger a response from attentive staff.

Source: ChapGpt ☝️

Let me add another hack that came to my mind. If waiters are regularly ignoring you, then use a mobile phone, and play the sound of fallen glass. The shattering sound hopefully will get their attention!

What about advance tipping!

Give something and they are mentally bound to remember you! So, as soon as you settle in a table, give the waiter either some money as upfront tip or even give a small memento. Something he or she will remember! I have used this technique when I went for a pedicure. I gave a small tip before they started the service. This upfront payment did the trick!

So, what is your most unpleasant experience about restaurant service. or recurring gripe about restaurant service? 

If you'r a restaurant owner, then I can help or do a consulting work to gauge your service. I can make couple of trips to your restaurant or bar and give feedback about the service, areas of improvement, list out who are the best waiters, how service can be improved, cleanliness points, how to cross-sell, etc. 

What you say! If you have any offer for restaurant service consultation, then you can contact me 📞+91 7406989233.  

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