Friday 30 August 2024

Malayalam Film Industry in Crisis as Allegations Mount: Leading Actors Accused of Preying on Aspiring Stars


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All Out Chaos - Hope things settle fast!

As I write, scandal that has erupted in Mollywood is taking big names, bringing them down from the high pedestal. It's a bloody twisted issue involving power, sex, casting couch, and eroticism of mallu men.

With the scandal, all types of news media, from the traditional newspaper, the TV, the new age YouTube, and the meme factory, are having a field game ripping about the stories and people apart! Along with the media, public too is lapping up the drama, twists with all its eagerness. Ofcourse, their perverted imagination is played!

Mollywood Victims ( Deeds, Misfortune, Guilt)

This post is not taking a stand for the real victims, as the law of the land will take it's normal course. I'm interested in the story of men, how they got carried away and how these men are facing the blunt of their own moves. For now, the they are the victims of their own game.

I'm thinking of the actors as victim (men), who have to answer numerous questions! Before I say more, I'm NOT supporting the perpetrators in any way. What I'm suggesting is a different angle to the showdown. 

Solace and Support when Crisis Hits  

The fire set ablaze from the Hema Commission Report is raging with no end in sight. Wonder when all this will simmer and cool down! 

Now my Question is for the Victims  (actors) who are on the hot seat of allegations. So, I'm just putting myself in their shoes and thinking of a solution or solace!

- Is there any help or mental support the actors can get when they are faced with such an issue or any issue in their carrer? Is there any mentor whom they can turn to? What about professional mentorship at the time like this?

- How can they get the right guidance in such troubled times ( Is there any professional help ready to take the service?)

- Is there an expert panel who can study and give mental support with right talk.( PR Teams or Multi-faceted counselling team)

- Is there a support team available exclusively for celebrities and for high-net-worth individuals.( Such a team would include ( legal professionals, Psychologists, Media person, Content Creator, Influencer, Therapists, Counselor) 

These are the questions I had in mind! 

Suppose an actor who has allegations framed against him is asked to address a press conference or they have to appear before the court or write a social media post! The question here is how to prepare the content for a public event?

Few thought about it:.

  • How will he prepare for a press release?

  • What are the words and lines or thought a person should convey? Or in the first place, is he (acquired person) required to address the press?

  • How can he defend or give some kind of reply to the newsmen who are waiting for a slip from these men?

  • How to evade or reply succinctly to the questions? 

  • What is the right way to answer? 

I'm just seeing a need which can be fulfilled by a trained psychologists, or a legal advisor team or someone who is great negotiator or a smart talker! 

Hand-holding When Accusations are Aired!

In a situation when an actor or any person who is accused something of sexual nature, it's natural that people around him, even his family to shun him.When the close circle shuns an individual, then the mental torture becomes ten fold. 

So, if a person is let down by the people around, what' the next way to get support. This is where, a professional help should come in. In such troubled times, a professional can hand-hold him by giving mental support and advice for him to think straight.

Sometimes, all the person had to do is just give and tell them to stay strong. B'cos, there are many instances where people going through such phase of mental tension might take the extreme step of taking their life. And, that's one thing no one wants! 

I'm pro life, and that's the message. Also, I feel all these phases in life ( good and bad) will move away, leaving all of dead and forgotten in matter of years or decades. So, why should you excessively worry! Just get things straight, for you can have a new beginning! NEW YOU!

Support in Times of Distress - Trauma of the victim and the trauma of the accused!

Victims and accused have the same right to get the support at times of distress. This support will help them to get them back on their feet, have the right self talk, and help them to make amends and  become a better person. And, we know for a fact, that mistakes happen.

After all, we all are mortal beings and we make mistakes. What if there's a second chance to get the records straight.What you say?

Here's a Different Scenario! Nambi Narayanan Case in 1994

In 1994 Nambi Narayanan a top scientist with ISRO was charged with espionage and it was sensationalized as a scandal revolving around sex, money and espionage. 

I remember one interview given by Mr Nambi Narayanan's daughter or someone else ( Sasikumar)  who was going through this issue. She was saying that before the scandal the phone in their residence was always ringing with calls from friends and relatives. In other words, their house was a vibrant house with people wanting to be associated with the family. But, when the news of arrest and involvement came out, all people they knew all deserted them. In one flash, their house became a dead house. All their friends, acquaintance and relatives left them high and dry! 

My question is this - Did Mr Nambi Naryanaan get any support from any of his friends or relatives during this ordeal? What if he had an option at that time to call someone who could provide all types of support ( legal,and mental) support? Well, that was in 1994! Now, three decades after in 2024, is there any such competent support system available for people facing such allegations? 

This issue will simmer down as any other issue. But, in future another issue will erupt, and that time there will be victims ( men and women) who would require professional help to tide over. I think there's a need for professional services which can offer bespoke support, guidance and right advice to people (bad guys too) so that they get things straight!

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