Sunday 11 August 2024

Rest House for Labourers - A modern Inn for Construction Workers


Image Credit - Canva App ( Thanks for making life easier)

Yesterday, as evening lights started to fade, I headed to BEVCO outlet near Uloor to buy beer. As I crossed Kumarapuram junction, I could see a group of workers at the construction site of an apartment. It was around 7PM, with lights fading out. 

The workers on the site, were probably, clearing the construction debris left around. It was the last minute cleaning up, setting up of plants, etc as this apartment was ready for key handing over ceremony.

One of the worker, had his shirt smeared in concrete dirt, with sweaty patches on his shirt. As I rode further, I was thinking of the worker on that site -  when is he going to get a shower and night's rest. Is his bed located in a neat space, where he can unwind for a good rest? Does it provide the comfort and safety for a blissful sleep?

Retiring Place for Manual Laborers in Trivandrum

The image of the tired worker triggered a thought - what if there's a clean resting place for workers?. What if there's a Govt run rest house or shelter which offers bed and breakfast for workers in each city.

Well, such a facility will be a haven for  laborers and workers engaged in jobs like yard cleaning, construction workers, food delivery, auto drivers or cab drivers, road side vendors, fish sellers, vegetable cart sellers, coolie, timber haulers, union workers engaged in loading and unloading, etc. Also, it would be ideal for workers who come from the outskirts of a city to work and earn their daily bread.

In the case of Trivanrum, it could be workers who Parasala or Palode or Nedumnagadu side to do a day's job in Trivandrum? 

How will Such a Facility Look Like?

Imagine a govt run multi-storied building with many dormitories, rest rooms, lounge space, garden space for workers to take a nap, rest, or just sit in peace!

The question is that, is it possible to create  such a facility in India? We know how our governments work - they are already burdened by many other priorities. Also, funds are limited to build and mange such as mega rest house concept. 

 Well, in that case, the role of the Govt should be like a guardian angel, while all the funding should be sourced from private individuals or companies. The working methodology should be handled like a corporate setup, with SOPs, well refined processes, daily checklists, strict rules, no room for unwanted intervention by politicians, or by moneyed people. Basically, it must be AI driven organization! What do you say? 

Well, I'm not sure how it will run! All these plans look good in paper.

Btw, if I had money I would have thought of such a project as a goodwill project.

Happiness and Comfort in Getting Proper Rest 

Let's take example of Trivandrum city. Everyday many people come from different parts to do different odd jobs for a living. So, do think all these laborers and daily wage earners get daily wages? What about those who didn't get the work? Will that person has to go hungry for a day or return back home in Neyyatinkara or Parasala without that day's wages?

What if there's an economically viable option for such a person to stay back in Trivandrum city and look for work the next day?

It could be a fancy thought but I wish for such safe staying options for people to stay overnight or even take rest for half day or an hour. What if someone is not feeling well after coming to Trivandrum? In the current set-up, it would be very difficult for them to take rest in any place.

Also, anther question arises. Why should we running like this in life - like a hamster on the wheel kind of life.

So, here's the plan, which ChatGPT has sketched out based on my prompt. The reason I depend on AI is that I don't have the energy or time to chalk out these. Also, it provides a better flow of system, and the content which I can improvise.. 

Step-by-Step Plan for a Government-Run Resting and Stay Facility for Workers

1. Conceptualization and Planning

Objective Definition: Clearly define the purpose of the facility—to provide a safe, clean, and comfortable resting place for workers like delivery people, cab drivers, construction workers, and other laborers.

Involvement of Private Players: Get private individuals, companies and NGOs to fund this project. Though it's chalked by govt, major funds ( at least 80%) should come from private sources..

Feasibility Study: Conduct a study to determine the most suitable locations, estimated costs, and potential user base.

Design and Layout Planning: Develop architectural plans for the building, ensuring that it includes dormitories, bathrooms, a resting area, a canteen, and other amenities.

2. Infrastructure Development

Site Selection: Choose a location that is accessible to workers, ideally near transport hubs or industrial areas.

Building Construction: Construct the facility with dormitories, bathrooms, common areas, a canteen, and specialized rooms (e.g., for unwell individuals).

Facility Features Installation:

Security Systems: Install biometric access, baggage scanners, security cameras, and lockers.

Comfort Features: Equip the facility with beds, clean towels, drying areas, smoking rooms, and recreation facilities like carroms, table tennis, and a gym.

Volunteer Spaces: Create areas where workers can volunteer for facility management or other tasks.

3. Facility Operations Setup

Registration Process:

Documentation: Set up a registration system requiring a photo, Aadhaar card, and reference for each worker. ( Done through a specialized app) Probably to those who are not familiar with app, Akshaya centres can do it in 3 minutes.

Biometric Enrollment: Register workers' biometrics for secure access.

ID Card Issuance: Provide registered workers with an ID card granting them access to the facility.

Volunteer Program:

Volunteer Requirement: Establish a system where workers must volunteer for a set number of hours to use the facility or pay additional fees.

Task Assignment: Organize workers into teams for various duties such as canteen operations, cleaning, and maintenance.

Canteen Operations:

Volunteer-Run Canteen: Implement a system where workers volunteer to run the canteen, cooking and serving meals.

Food Supply and Menu Planning: Partner with suppliers to provide affordable food options. Create a menu that caters to the dietary preferences of the workers.

4. Health and Wellness Services

Healthcare and Wellness:

Independent Rooms: Designate rooms for unwell workers, providing separate accommodations for those with contagious illnesses.

Leg Spa and Haircut Services: Set up wellness services, including a leg spa and a hair-cutting salon, operated by skilled workers or volunteers.

Hygiene and Cleanliness:

Facility Management Team: Hire a dedicated team for cleaning and maintenance.

Regular Sanitation: Implement strict hygiene protocols, including regular cleaning of bathrooms, dormitories, and common areas.

5. Security and Monitoring

High-Level Security:

Surveillance: Ensure 24/7 monitoring with security cameras covering all areas of the facility.

On-Site Police Officer: Station a police officer on duty to maintain order and address any security concerns.

Prohibited Items Policy: Enforce strict rules against liquor, drugs, and other prohibited items, with a smoking area or space for smokers.

Job Assistance and Coordination:

Job Notice Board: Set up a notice board displaying job opportunities.

Job Coordinator: Appoint a coordinator to assist workers in finding job opportunities, prioritizing local residents.

6. Operational and Financial Management

Funding and Partnerships:

Private Funding: Secure funding from private players with government support to sustain the project.

Ongoing Maintenance: Allocate funds for the continuous upkeep and operation of the facility.

Daily Operations:

24/7 Operation: Keep the facility open round the clock, allowing workers to rest during the day or night.

Charge Collection: Collect minimal fees from workers for their stay, with provisions for extra charges for extended services.

7. Community Building and Outreach

Sense of Belonging:

Community Events: Organize events and activities that foster a sense of community among workers.

Feedback Mechanism: Set up a system for workers to provide feedback and suggest improvements.

Outreach and Awareness:

Awareness Campaigns: Run campaigns to inform workers about the facility and encourage them to register.

Community Engagement: Engage local communities to support and promote the facility.

8. Monitoring and Evaluation

Performance Monitoring:

Regular Audits: Conduct regular audits to ensure the facility is operating efficiently and meeting its objectives.

Feedback Review: Continuously review feedback from workers to improve services.

Impact Assessment:

User Satisfaction Surveys: Collect data on user satisfaction and the impact of the facility on workers’ well-being.

Annual Reports: Publish annual reports detailing the facility’s achievements, challenges, and areas for improvement.

9. Expansion and Sustainability


Pilot Program: Start with one or two facilities as a pilot program before expanding to more locations.

Sustainability Plans: Develop long-term sustainability plans, including partnerships and revenue generation strategies.


Best Practices: Document best practices from the initial facility to replicate in other locations.

Continuous Improvement: Implement a continuous improvement process to adapt and refine the facility’s operations over time.

This step-by-step plan outlines how to create, manage, and sustain a government-run resting facility for workers, focusing on their welfare and providing a safe and supportive environment.

Why Such a Rest House Project should be Planned and Executed?

Just think of the comfort, welfare of the unorganized labourers. They play an important role in any society and taking care of them is the beginning of care and love.

 If the community is able to provide and give them comfortable stay, a safe space to rest, a clean bathroom, etc, the very positive feeling will ripple across the society. 

Moreover, we have a so-called community government, with decision taken at Polit Beauro kinds of stuff. So, this govt has all the right to do something like this. It's not just the May day slogans or revolutionary slogans of yesteryears!

It's high-time, they come up with such plans - plans which will provide basic comfort centres or resting centres at every city, town and village. 

Btw, all the booking to this facility is Done Through an App!

Only a person with a smart phone can access this place. It's mandatory and its will help to push for digitization movement in Kerala. Those who are not familiar with the operation will be given training on how to book a time, slot and make payments, etc. Also, in this app, there will be notifications about job openings in related sector. For example if a contractor requires 20 workers for a concrete work, then such posting can be made in this app. So, a worker can book for a job using this app. 

 Booking Process ( Via an app)

Check Availability:

Browse available dormitories, private rooms (for unwell workers), and other amenities.

Booking a Stay:

Select the desired date and duration of stay (maximum of one week).

Confirm the booking with a minimal charge payable via UPI, mobile wallets, or debit/credit card.

Volunteer Hours Selection:

Choose volunteer tasks and schedule volunteer hours as part of the registration process or pay extra charges to waive the volunteer requirement.


Receive a booking confirmation with a QR code for entry.

Booking details are automatically shared with the facility’s security system.

Facility Check-In and Usage

Check-In Process:

Upon arrival at the facility, scan the QR code at the entrance.

Verify identity with biometric authentication (fingerprint or facial recognition).

Pass baggage through the scanner and store belongings in a secure locker.

Access to Amenities:

Use the app to book services such as the leg spa, haircut, or gym, laundry, etc

View volunteer task schedules and check-in for duty via the app.

Real-Time Notifications:

Receive notifications about available volunteer slots, upcoming job opportunities, and facility updates.

Story of Vinod!   ( He could have used such a facility)

I once knew a person who was working at a vegetable shop here. He came from a place beyond Nedumangaud. Being a friendly person in the shop, he used to do his work with a smile, talking to customers. Through his conversation I came to know that he leaves the shop by 10:30 PM or so and then takes the last bus to Nedumangadu. Once he said, that he could hardly see his kids as he leaves home early and returns at midnight. And, it so happened that he got a serious back injury while he lifted a heavy vazha kula in the shop. And, with this back strain,  he had to take a break from work for treatment. The sad part and the reality was that, the shop keeper slowly ignored him after his injury. The last update from him was that he is now taking care of patients as a bystander. His back injury requires continuous treatment.

There are many men like Vinod who would love to stay for a day or so in a govt run rest house. Just think how convenient it would be for people like him who leave the work late at night. He can save the money spend on the long return journey.

A clean, safe rest house for labourers can be a big blessing for men like Vinod. Such a concept can be thought in every city in India. For instance, a person who comes to B'lore city to work from     can use such a facility to stay in B'lore city side. It will be a comfort spot for many! 

Let's make very city and town more humane. All b'cos in the near future, robots and AI is coming to rob your job! Isn't? 

Curious Konnections 

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