Saturday 29 June 2024

Give Choice to Customers - But, Not Many!

Typical Mathi Fry Served with Kerala Meals

I have a suggestion to all the restaurants owners out in Kerala where they serve fried fish! I'm not sure if my opinion goes well with them. However, this is my take on it. 

Most typical restaurants/hotels in Trivandrum and in new fish hub at Vizhijam, ( even the hotels which the vloggers praise about the food), overcook, resulting in a tough texture that masks their delicate flavor. Also, in case of fish curry, they fish too is over-cooked in gravy!

This over-frying is usually done with low priced fishes like  Koyala, Ayila, tuna and mathi or chala.


I guess, most people prefer fish which is fried like a crispy piece. But in this process it's looses their distinct flavor and it's difficult to appreciate the fine taste.This is where I have a problem! I like to taste the unique taste, enjoy the succulent white flesh of the fish! ๐Ÿ˜ฃ

Solution for this - Two approaches! Give it a try

Here's how I propose two options! 

Option 1

.Deep fry, the way it's done typically in a restaurant. ( chewy bite)

Option 2

.Medium fry ones with more pepper. This will make the flesh soft for people who prefer to enjoy the distinct flavor of the fish.

One Reason Why Restaurants Over Fry Fish

Main reason is that people generally prefer fish to be served like this. Another reason for restaurant owners to over fry fish, is that it's a good way to mask the taste of stale or old fish! The stale taste is evident with is medium cooked. Isn't not?. ๐Ÿ™„

What do you say? 

Will the restaurants give two choices to customers? Will this be a hassle for them and add to the cost to product? Will customers appreciate your attempt to give a choice. 

Well, I don't know the answer! Probably, it might work and that's a good way of going about it! 

Curious Konnections 

P.S I have another post about a plan to support small hotels and restaurants by donating cash, items and giving your hotel menu ideas. Pls read this blog and let me know your thoughts about it. 

Friday 28 June 2024

Ideas to Grow Bromeliads in Tropical Kerala

Tips to grow bromeliads in our state! This and more videos from YouTube is shared with the purpose to trigger ideas to make our tropical place the new plant destination. 

Rock Lookalike Project

Recently I hit upon a project to start growing bromeliads. And, for this project I wanted to buy rocks! Yes, different type of rocks as it will accentuate the look of bromeliads. But, there's a problem. Rocks are expensive to buy. 

It's in this phase that I watched this video! Viola. 

Now, I have a project to make these! I'm not sure if it will com-out the way it's shown in the video. Anyways I gotta try.

Btw, nurseries can also make such faux rocks and sell. Also, toad stools made from cement or light weight material. These kind of addons will be great for people who have garden space and looking to fill it with interesting and colorful items. 

Another thing that's on my mind is to make, look-alike of statue which is seen on Easter Islands! What do you say? 

Shall we do it together! Do you have some tips on how to make a mold to make it? Pls share it with me, as I have less of artistic acumen to make it look like the faces seen on Easter Islands! 

Btw, I wish to visit that island! 

This is what I noticed today and I thought I'd Share it with You- Seth Godin

Let me watch this video and share what I feel about the talk!

While I was listening to the talk by Seth Godin, I was thinking to myself make this useful I need to write down what he is saying. And, that would require a lot of replays and writing and then corrections. 

Well, no need for all that. The transcripts are readily available! 

My mission and has been for a long time is to make a certain kind of change happen I want to help people see the world differently and if they choose to make a different Choice after they see the world differently I want to help people connect to each other and to use that connection to make things better.

one's life most people spend most of their time on defense in reactive mode in playing with the cards they got instead of moving to a different table with different cards instead of seeking to change other people they are willing to be changed and part of the Arc of what I'm trying

this Mantra of is this generous is this going to connect is this going to change people for the better is it worth trying if it meets those criteria and I can control myself into doing it than I ought to right and the


I don't need to go out and promote it I don't use any analytics I don't have comments it's just this is what I noticed today and I thought I'd share it with you and for a while it was an intermittent blog and then it was a five

you they don't have very many bad ideas but people have plenty of good ideas if they're telling you the truth will say they have even more bad ideas so the goal isn't to get good ideas the goal is to get bad ideas because once you get

Discerning between good and bad ideas.

is knowing when I'm wrong is a useful skill and lots of people who do good work have trouble knowing when they haven't done good work and they think they should stick with it other people have done good work don't think they have and they pivot too soon so figuring

Thursday 27 June 2024

Relax Baby! Mr Big Gonna Take Care of You in a Minute

Relax Baby! Mr Big Gonna Take Care of You in a Minute!

Name is for Tomb stones! 


This used to be my punch lines for sometime! Just revisited it.

Connecting with Local Cooks and Services?

Listing of Local Talent

For the past few days I had lunch from different hotels in around Kolattor for lunch. It's typical fish and meals served in Kerala. The food was okay, not great. So, when you pay Rs 110 for fish fry and meals, I guess that's what you can fairly expect. 

But, given the money I spend, what other options do I have?

Let's suppose, I'm able to connect with a household which is willing to give the similar food for the same or slightly higher price, and more tasty and really homemade one, then I would love it. I would also love the experience of visting their place and to enjoy a share of their food made in their house?  Well, there're many like me in every locality in Kerala, and elsewhere who would like to enjoy the hospitality, taste and freshness of food made in a house!


Imagine, I'm working near Kazhakootta and I'm out of my office for lunch break what will be my options? The options will include the typical restaurants which serve rice with fish, or chicken and other dishes. 

I have heard that there are few houses which are popular with folks working in the local IT offices ( technopark area). But what about me, who's unfamiliar with the options. What are my chances of knowing a home cook who makes excellent food for their family and would like to earn something extra at noon.

So, here are my options I can think of:

1. Maintain a list of households which are willing to allow strangers to come home and dine. Probably, they can keep a table in a room or outside for people to have rice and fish.  This list could be maintained either by a social worker, a Councillor who will vet for the place, or a Local community Whatsapp group, etc. 

2. Every junction in the town should have a board which will list three or four rows or columns which will include these!

1. Lunch ( pothi Choru ) making households, snacks sellers,  party desserts, and contact number or whatsapp. How to reach them.

2. Those households which makes locally produced items, such as broom, pots, handmade towel, or food products like dried fish, powdered spices, etc ( List their contact number)

3. Organic produces - Plantains, coconut, greens ( cheera), thailum, local remedies, eggs, fish breeders, live fish, 

4. Services - Massage therapist, builder, nursery, tree cutter, coconut tree climbers, maids, people who clean the property, handy man, electricians in the locality, plumbers, drainage workers, snake catcher, doctor, auto driver, taxi driver, night watchman, cleaner, painter, welder, carpenter, social worker, a person who can do random manual work on hourly basis, dobi, singer, cook, etc.
 ( Man! Such a list would be exciting biz avenue, which can boost local area biz)  

And that's needed in every small town, community, junction! I'm excited! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐ŸŽ‰.

 I started this Facebook page ( ente Kumarapuram) on the expectation that I could collate such a list of services. But, due to my erratic posts, it's not getting traction! 

Imagine, if all these number and service providers are vetted by the local panchayat, or by the Councillors, or social workers. And, this verified list will be listed on a board in every locality. Let's make commerce happen at the grassroots.. 

So, unlike the corporation board which is lying useless, this board will be maintained, updated with the current changes. A print out of the service providers is all that is needed. 

Where did I get this thought! Well, this is one sight what made me think. An old lady came to a house carrying brooms she made. She makes some paltry some selling these chool ( broom made from coconut leaves). 


Wednesday 26 June 2024

Kerala to Become the Bromeliad Capital of the World

Love for Bromilards

 Genesis of Bromilard Fandom

Recently in a trip to a house, I saw couple of well maintained and colorful bromilards growing on a rocky garden. This caught my eye, and piqued my interest to come up with this mega plan.

So, the first step would be plan these at my house - build a collection and take it from there! Second, step would be to do my part to make this plant into a celebrity. Well, that's not easy. However, you can influence few people to start growing bromilards in their house, and may be, may be then, it can trigger a chain reaction to make plant into a household name in Kerala. 

Why is this Plan?

First of all, it's clear that this plant is suitable for the tropical weather in Kerala. Second, is that I feel kerala has much untapped potential to turn our state into a horticultural hub, We have great weather for plants such as Orchids, Bougainvilleas, Bromediads ferns, and many other varieties. So, why not utilize this into a business! 

I had earlier written about hosting a bougainvillea fest in Kerala. ๐Ÿ‘ˆ Check that blog. 

Intro About Bromeliads

Bromeliads, belonging to the Bromeliaceae family (also known as the pineapple family), are native to tropical regions of North and South America. Europeans first encountered bromeliads during Columbus' second voyage to the New World in 1493, when they discovered the pineapple being cultivated by the Carib tribe in the West Indies.

The commercial pineapple (Ananas comosus) originates from southern Brazil and Paraguay. Following the colonization of the New World, it quickly spread to tropical regions worldwide and is now extensively cultivated in both tropical and subtropical areas. The only bromeliad species found outside the tropics is Spanish "moss" (Tillandsia usneoides). Despite its name, it is neither Spanish nor a moss but an epiphytic bromeliad. Unlike typical bromeliads, it has long scaly stems and small flowers.

Tropical Kerala to Grow Bromeliad in mega farms and in outdoors!

Big audacious plan for starting Bromeliad Cultivation in Kerala

Well, there are many steps required to accommplish such a feat!.To build Kerala as a defacto place for growing bromeliads would require more inputs, capital, manpower and infrastructure. 

1. Research and Planning

Conduct a comprehensive study on bromeliad varieties suitable for Kerala's climate.

Identify key areas for cultivation: households, underutilized lands, government lands, places bordering forest areas, rubber plantations, tea plantations, coconut grooves, pineapple farms, waste land, spots near backwaters, hills, etc. 

Establish partnerships with horticultural firms, local agricultural universities and research centers for guidance and support. 

2. Distribution and Cultivation 

  1. Distribute bromeliad saplings to households and small landowners.

  2. Provide easy-to-follow guidelines for planting and maintaining bromeliads.

  3. Government and Vacant Lands

  4. Collaborate with the government to utilize vacant lands and bordering forest areas for bromeliad cultivation.

  5. Implement a land leasing program for bromeliad cultivation on unused government lands.

  6. Rubber and Pineapple Plantations

  7. Encourage rubber and pineapple farmers to interplant bromeliads to increase their income.

  8. Offer training sessions on integrating bromeliad cultivation with existing crops.

3. Promotion and Awareness

Launch a statewide awareness campaign about the benefits of bromeliad cultivation.

Use social media, local media, and community events to spread information.

Highlight the ease of growing bromeliads and their potential economic benefits.

4. Bi-annual Mega Events

Organize bi-annual events: one in Trivandrum and one in Cochin.

Event Activities:

  • Exhibitions showcasing various bromeliad varieties and cultivation techniques.

  • Pots, custom bowls and drift wood for growing bromeliad

  • Seminars and workshops by local and international experts.

  • Sale of bromeliads and related products (e.g., driftwood bromeliads, kokedama).

  • Mega Indoor glass tank with bromeliads ( A tropical forest theme)

  • Terrarium with bromeliads

Networking opportunity for Keralam Farmers

  • Competitions and awards for the best growers and innovative ideas.
  • Networking opportunities for local and international growers.

5. Innovative Growing Methods

Promote unique growing methods like bromeliads on driftwood, kokedama, and growing on trees.

Conduct workshops and provide resources on these methods to make bromeliads more popular and visually appealing.

6. Economic Impact and Job Creation in Keralam

Job Creation:

  • Nursery workers for cultivating and maintaining bromeliads.

  • Event organizers and staff for bi-annual events.

  • Trainers and consultants for educating new growers.

  • Portal administrators and support staff.

  • Income for household bromeliad farmers

Economic Impact:

Increased income for farmers through bromeliad sales.

Boost in local tourism and hospitality during bi-annual events.

Growth of related industries (e.g., gardening supplies, decorative items).

Community Benefits:

Improved aesthetic appeal of urban and rural areas.

Enhanced biodiversity and environmental benefits from bromeliad cultivation.

7. Weather and Varieties of Bromeliad Genus

Kerala's climate (abundant sunshine and rainfall) is ideal for growing bromeliads.

Key Bromeliad Varieties:

  • Aechmea
  • Guzmania
  • Neoregelia
  • Tillandsia
  • Vriesea
  • Provide information on the specific care requirements for each variety.

8. Mega Portal for Bromeliad Development

Features of this portal:

Directory of growers and nurseries.

  1. Online marketplace for buying and selling bromeliads and related products.
  2. Knowledge base with cultivation tips, best practices, and troubleshooting guides.
  3. Community forums for growers to share experiences and advice.
  4. Updates on upcoming events and news in the bromeliad community.


  1. Collaborate with IT companies to develop the portal.
  2. Ensure user-friendly design and mobile compatibility.
  3. Promote the portal through social media, events, and partnerships with local organizations.
  4. Facilitate a forum for buy and sell and distribution of Bromeliad 

By following this comprehensive plan, Kerala can become a key player in the global bromeliad market, generating significant economic benefits and creating numerous job opportunities.

Related link:

1. About bromeliads

2. Bromeliad grower in US

3. Bromeliad grower's website 

4. Floral Daily 


6. Josh's Frogs

7. New Orleans grower

Video of a bromeliad grower 

8. Quora - question and answers about bromeliad

Tea Biz Booming in Trivandrum


Chai and Vada

Chai booth getting popular

Are you the one who likes to start a chai business and earn a living?

If yes, you're in the right time. These days, every road corner you can find a thattukada or a person with a table selling tea or coffee or lemon juice. Moreover, another good reason to start chai kada is that now more and more young people are hanging around chai centres to have coffee. And, the best and the best part is that young girls too are hanging around with boys. This was not the case before Covid. I think, covid changed the entire thing!

So, why are so many people entering this biz? How much does it cost? Where to buy the chai vandi? Is there second hand available here?

What's the value of a Community?

 These days there are more communities, tribes, groups and sub groups than ever. Earlier, neighborhood group or the local community was dominant and self serving one. Now, many people are disconnected from the local community - for example, hardly interaction happen between neighbors or people  staying in an apartment. Of course, there are many exceptions. But, overall I see a decline in the way bonding used to work. 

So, got me thinking! What makes a community magic work? Here the community could be a Whatsapp group, Fb Group, or a Page, etc.

There are few that came to my mind and mostly after reading a post 

  • Value of community is when there's value to the people.
  • Getting to know each other 
  • Meet 
  • Build relationships 
  • Find value 
  • Find comfort 
  • Find insights
  • Find joyful experiences with other members 
  • Contribute for a common cause 
  • Help people 
  • Connect 
  • Motivate people toward the goals or spend time
  • Find job for the members 
  • Enable physical or virtual meet people who are on the same path
  • Forum to share stories
  • Show up at things
  • Contribute experiences 

Btw, it's important to get this idea in the beginning. Why are we here? What are we doing? And it's paramount to have a North Star! 

So, how to build this magic if you're the Host!

 Imagine, if you're running a Whatsapp group what will you do each day to make your community stronger, not just in number, but in the quality of connections and other aspects listed above. 

In this context, I remember how a Foodie group in Trivandrum came together to help a lady to meet the hospitalization expense of her son. Such are the real case scenarios of how people can get value a group or a community can derive. 

To quote the lines from Duct Tape Marketing Podcast!

It turns you that the impact of the smallest number of things you can do and need to do to get this right. it's really in some decision that you make around who do you serve?

Breath of Fresh Air - We Need Counter Point

In the blink of an eye, we have a flood of YouTube videos trashing Godi media and the stalwarts who was boot-licking the regime. Well, I just have one thing about all these - how much we have succumbed to one force. Probably, like the emergency era in India during 70's. 

Thanks to UP voters who diffidently swayed the results of 2024 election. 

Btw, I found two unique points from this talk by Parakala Prabhakar.. Check the two point raised here, if it resonates with you!

Point #`1 

If Modi to change and become a democrat .... it's a complete changeover of a personality. What the possibility of Modi becoming a Atal Bihari Vajpayee 

๐Ÿ‘† I was thinking of this statement from my point of view. How can I change and become a completely new personality, behavior traits, etc. For example, I usually delay on things which are important...saying to myself that I will do it another day. So, if I were to transform to a new personality, then I should rid of such traits.

So, the question is can such a change happen in me! I'm not bothered much if Mr Modi changes to become a more benevolent leader!. That's something he has to do it by himself! But, I'm more concerned about myself and how I can become a more valuable person to myself and others. And for that, I need to suffer a sea change. 

To quote from Tempest, Full fathom five thy father lies; Of his bones are coral made; Those are pearls that were his eyes; Nothing of him that doth fade But doth suffer a sea-change Into something rich and strange.

Point #2 ( Portion of the talk around  10:03)

A mature statesman, or matured organization does not hide vulnerabilities. acknowledge their weakness, acknowledge the limitations, and try to adjust to the limitation. 

Somebody who's immature, somebody who is very insecure, they would try to pretend there are no vulnerabilities, there are no limitations, ....even though you had less number, you still try to project a big picture! 

The above line resonated with me in a different way!.It's about the way I feel many people including me react. Also, this is more true with biz owners or freelancers and independent entrepreneurs. Whenever someone asks about their capabilities, they often go on the defensive. They usually don't like to discuss about the shortcomings or acknowledge that part of it. Also in terms of knowledge, they will pretend or give a picture that they are all knowing one! 

It's clear that they are headed to the rocks, if they continue with such attitude

What I would want small biz owners is to accept the limitation, accept that they are on a learning path, and acknowledge that there're more things to learn, unlearn and make mistakes. 

Related point from Tim Ferris podcast which featured Seth Godin

Discerning between good and bad knowing when I'm wrong is a
useful skill and lots of people who do good work have trouble knowing when they haven't done good work and they think

writing poorly write poorly until it's not bad anymore and then you'll have something you can use people who have trouble coming up with good ideas if they're telling you the truth we'll tell
you they don't have very many bad ideas but people have plenty of good ideas if they're telling you the truth will say they have even more bad ideas so the goal isn't to get good ideas the goal is to get bad ideas because once you get enough bad ideas then some good ones have to show up what are some of the top

The underlined words makes it clear! Keep doing things you wish to improve. It could be about improving the garden space, or about learning to write or coming with ideas. 
( This blog is about these two - share lot of bad ideas and in the process, I might come with better ones. second is about writing. If I persist in writing, slowly and surely my writing will improve. Period!

Sunday 23 June 2024

23 Franchise Biz Suitable for Kerala


Peni Ice Candy near Medical College Tvm

Recently I started to share a topic with people around me. It's about taking franchisee. I wonder how come I suddenly became a propaganda of franchisee! Surprising fact is that I still personally don't prefer franchisee model as I believe that it's bounded by rules and limits the freedom to play your game, improvise, etc! 

I might be wrong here as I don't have first hand experience in it! However, I hav some kind of negative perception towards it! 

So, why am I going about blabbering about franchisee biz! Is it easy as it sounds! Is the investment on franchisee payment, fee, etc worth it! 

Well, what are the advantages of franchisee biz and in what conditions should you take it?

1. When you have too much money and less time! 

3. When you want instant label to get recognition

3. When you're ready to invest your time on it!

Here are  Food Franchisee biz that's Popular in Kerala!

1. KFC /Pizza Hut / Dominos /  

 This brand needs no introduction. It's popular in many spots in Trivandrum and has outlets in many towns and cities in Kerala. However, there're still many opportunities for it to grow. 

I was thinking of these locations: Kallambalam or by the side of MC Road highway, a spot ideal for people to take rest. It could be a spot where there are multiple outlets will give more reasons for travellers to take a break

2. Naturals Ice cream 

    Many years back I used to tell my partner that Naturals Ice Cream could be a good biz idea for a place like Trivandrum. Also, I thought Koravandonam side could be a better place. And, just like I thought a big space with good interiors opened in Koravankonam part of Tvm. Man, I was on air thinking big about myself that what I thought has come true. However, I was not very happy to see the resopnse. I was expecting a big and overwhelming response to this brand. But, slowly I see more crowds in this outlet! I think an outlet inside Lulu Mall would be a great idea! 

What do you say?

3. Baskin and Robbins 
    This is quite common in many junctions. 

4. Peni Ice Cream outlet 

   I was very vocal about this brand. And to convince many people, I had rushed to the outlet near Medical College and bought more than 8 and gave to the guests. And, again telling them to share to their friends and others that Peni ice candy is a good franchisee biz.

I still feel, an outlet at Shanghumugham could be a great! What do you say?

5. Amul Outlet 

6. Chai Chai 

  I love the pricing of chai, coffee and bites at their outlet in Lulu mall, Trivandrum. Check it out.

7. Nagarjuna Andra 


I bet there are many in Kerala who would  love Andra meals, and also Andra Style spicy dishes
Andra Meals, etc. 

I think the above restaurant is not a franchisee biz. However, you can either
find something similar or make a carbon copy of this menu and add some more.

I had visited Nagarjuna restaurant which is at CMH Road. This hotel is always packed at noon. 

8. Hyderabad Biryaani House

  As of now, there are no restaurants which serves Hyderabad Biryaani in Trivandrum. The closest I feel is the Naga Kitchen at Lulu mall. 

So, why not start a franchisee of Hyderabad Biryaani House in Trivandrum. Btw, you can visit Hyderabadi Biryani in Bangalore to try their biryani varieties before you decide on it.

Check these links for more info: 

Franchise Capital Investment Rs. 30 Lakhs to Rs. 35 Lakhs
Franchise Fees Rs. 10 Lakhs
Royalty/Commission Fee 6% of the Net sale
Approximate cost! ๐Ÿ‘†

I feel there's a good opportunity for someone who can bring Hyderabadi Biryani House in Trivandrum. Especially in Kazhakootam or Technopark area. What you say?

9. Chai Chai

My fav chai place in Lulu Mall

I didn't know that Chai Chai brand is from Azad! Cool! 

Check it out if you're interested to know more about this street food chain Chai Chai by Azad

10. Filter Coffee ( Outlet)

  There's one filter coffee outlet near Pattom. ( Kumbakonam Degree Coffee ) or you can try joining hands with Madras Filter Coffee or make one of your own!

As a side note,I have this thought. I usually take the route near West Fort  which takes me through the row of houses where Bhrahmins live. As I pass this route, I wish there was a patti ( granny) who can serve homemade filter coffee and if possible a vada too. 

The row houses are unique with such community and it has a distinct architecture. I feel it would be a good feeling to live in such places if you like the feeling of living , sharing idea with your clan, and be away from the nasty smell of mathi being fried in the next door house. People with similar cultural roots, concepts can be more happy to live. 

In this context let me quote from what an India who is now settled in US is saying. She was telling that when Indians start to live in a street and when more Indians join, the whites start to vacate! I don't know how far this is true. What she was saying is that the smell of our curries, cooking can be a turnoff! Could happen! 

Here are few novel ( in my eyes) that could be a franchisee opportunity!

1. Chai with Burger ( Mini) Sounds boring 

2. Coffee and Momos ( Probably, it might work)

3. TODDY SHOP ( Franchise) a value brand

  Other day, I went to Punchakari ( yesteryears rice bowl) in Trivandrum. It's a spot near Vellyani which has become popular with couple of shops serving toddy and also food. The expanse of open green space, with agricultural area good for some relaxation. 

In this area, we selected a shop with the Toddy shop as it was okay parking spot. So, how was the experience! Not bad, but nothing memorable. So, can you start a TODDY Shop with a twist and make it exceptionally remarkable. 

And,how to make it remarkable! This is what your journey and your mind can conjure! But, I wish to see something novel in this space. Well, Bocha has done one variation. Not sure,if it's that what I want. Probably, Bocha idea could spread. 

How about a place like Fat Fish in Goa? Can we replicate such a spot in Punjakiri or else where where there are open space with the view of the rice fields. 

4. Chai Spot run by Girls

   In Kerala, in the recent years we are seeing more young girls exploring new profeesions, going out and eating out with friends, taking up vlogging, travel, fashion etc. But, in Trivandrum, I yet to see a cafe run by 20 something girls! Here the most popular chai store in Malabar Bites and I see many young boys and girls hanging out here for snacks and beverage! 

In this context, I think it's time some coffee start is run by a all girls crew! Just imagine a spot run by girls, in unique dress code, it could be pinafore, or jeans and check shirt, or like the German ladies skirt and overalls, or just about anything that makes a statement! Dress is not an important thing, but more than that the menu, cleanliness, and unique idea of the restaurant and food taste! 

In such a spot, they can give freshers a chance to work as waitress and earn money too! 

Tony Robbins and Aligning our Actions with our Goals


Daily Reminders and Questions to ask Yourself!

Daily Actions and Goals

I used to listen to his speeches on YouTube and off late I drifted off to other channels like Navel Ravikant, Seth Godin, and many others! 

Sometimes, I get overwhelmed by the choices of leaders on YouTube and other channels! Wonder, how to focus on the speeches that matter and how to take the lessons for daily reminder!

Visit your Dreams and Protect it!


Protect your Dreams!

We all have goals, desires and ambition! Isn't. At different states of life, we profess our desires and goals! Some stay, and may wither like leaves shredded from trees!

Recently couple of incidents prompted me to look back at this topic! How sticky is your goal! Do you follow it up? Do you think it will just happen with a wish?


Make a note of all your wishes, follow it if it's too much to count on your fingertips! Check on each goal and see how far you're able to visit it on a daily, or weekly basis!


Saturday 22 June 2024

Copy Everything


Talk by Osho

( I saw this talk by Osho after I wrote this blog_  Check it out )

Copy the copy!
Copy the idea
Copy the strategy 
Copy the confidence
Copy the looks?
Copy the diet
Copy the hacks
Copy the steps
Copy the decor 
Copy the model 
Copy the talk
Copy the quotes
Copy the garden
Copy the city plan
Copy the service
Copy the menu 
Copy the balcony setup
Copy the smile
Copy the hair style
Copy the site
Copy the makeover 
Copy the header and footer

Copy before the copyright! 

What right do you have to copy? Is copying the right thing? I remember a blog I read a long ago. Let me see if I can get it in search! No, I can't get that blog on search, but I found a blog about Trivandrum. Check it out. 

Transcript of What Osho Talks about Creative Person 

The Artist has to live in Rebellion

because creativity is the greatest 

rebellion in existence

if you want to create, 

You have to get rid of all conditioning

Otherwise your creativity will be nothing but  copy

It will be just be a carbon copy

You can be creative only if you are an individual

You cannot create as part of mob psychology

the creators cannot follow the well-trodden path

He has to search his own way

He has to esquire in the jungles of life.

He has to go alone

He has to be a drop out from the mob mind


You're the BMW

 What's the image you carry when you drive a normal sedan or a scooter? What kind of perception do you carry when you had to park your two wheeler in front of a gleaming high-end car? 

Do you feel small, or you think yourself low before a person, who's endowed with material stuffs? Or, are are you one not swayed by the material apspects as long as you have your things sorted out! 

Do you feel proud to showcase a shiny Iphone, and hide your basic android phone? What makes you confident when you carry gadgets which signals some kind of status, wealth or proof that you're successful? And, what's the inside confidence that outshines these material signals!

Well, I don't have the answer to these as I too fall behind in confidence on the face of certain situations in life? 

However, you can remind yourself ....

You're the BMW
You're the Master 
You're the hero 
You're the Champion!

Friday 21 June 2024

Thank you for the Music - R. I.P Bennett Uncle


R.I.P Bennette Uncle

Spreading Music Vibes in Tvm and beyond

It's an end to an era. A time known for cassette tapes! I've just been to his house when my friend took me to get a cassette recorded from his. And, that was the first time I heard from Bose speakers! Man, I never knew how size does not matter! 

Probably that was during late 90's or early 2000 period. And, now in 2024, my wish for Bose speaker seems elusive! 

Back to the story of Mr Bennette, commonly known as Bennette Uncle to the musics aficionados of Trivandrum. 

P.S - While searching for Bennette Uncle online, I found this news in Hindu news paper about another music influencer - Check this link
Next on my list is to get The Hindu, online subscription. 

Tribute to Bennett Uncle by a music Lover

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Universal CItizen - J Krishnamurti Quote


Quote by J Krishnamurti

Just happen to read a thread on Reddit, which was taking about the racism. And, from this thread I found this image, with the quote by J Krishnamurti. 

How's your Life? Interesting, Hopeful or Dull?

Garden with no Gardner

How Green was my Valley Then?

I'm sure that the above image of glass bottles would not mean anything! But, for me it means a complete disorder of a space! What I had intended for this garden spot inside the house was a green sanctuary, but it has a neglected spot! An eye sore for people who walk the stairs! So,this is a note to self on how to rebuilt life from the trenches of delay and isolation! 

How to make a turnaround in your life? 
How to reclain the garden patch? 
How long will it take to make the garden a beautiful spot?
How do you think of your current situation? 
What's stopping you from achieving your top goals?

Two Slogans to Live by!

1. Rebuilt Kerala 
2.Tougher than the rest 
3. Fix a small thing ( Chris Borgan) 

Btw, as Dan Kennedy says, all these notes, I'm sharing is for many reason:

1. Bring Generosity to the table ๐Ÿฅฐ
2. Live a Rich & Valuable Life ( Remit sethi) ๐Ÿฅฐ
3. Dedicated To Multiplying Your and My Income 

What do you say? 

Curious Konnections 

Avilose Podi - Instant Comfort Food 24/7 From Vending Machine


Avilsoe Podi

After a long long gap, I had avoilse podi which was given by a person who made this for a large order. On that day I love the feel of avilose which took me back in time.

So, if you're from Kerala, there's a good chance that you had avoilose podi during your childhood days. This is true especially if you belong to Gen X generation or probably millennial too. I remember my mom making tons of this and keeping in plastic container. At that time, it was a default food to have during evenings or something for breakfast. 

During that phase of life, I had it b'cos I had no choice. So, to make it easy on the palette, I would add sugar, and then black coffee.

Who Else is Having Avilose Podi in 2024

And now in 2024, I wonder if any household makes avilose podi at home. I don't think that the kids these days has any interest for avilose podi nor parents have the time to make this at home. So, what we have now are the store bought avilose podi.

Square One Talent near Pattom, is one place in Trivandrum which sells packeted avilose podi. Probably, there are other shops too. I will list it here of the details as and when I find them. And, there are home cooks who make avilose podi for those who order in large quantity.

Avilose Podi - New Avatar - New Delivery System

While I was having this, I thought of this idea  - how can we feed avilose podi to public. This is a filling food, it takes away hunger pang for a long time. Having thought about it, I wonder how about a vending machine for dispensing avilose podi. It could be kept near high density places like Medical College or at main KSRTC bus depots in Kerala. 

Imagine, if there's such a vending machine, which can dispense avilose podi either as a packet or  be dispensed in a cup or small bowl with a spoon. People also can buy kattan kapi or chai from the same  dispenser and mix it with avilose poidi. What you say?

For a long time I have been thinking that vending machine. And, with this avilose podi, the whole concept is back on my mind. And I wonder, why the concept of dispensing hasn't worked worked well in India. At least, it should have been introduced during Covid when social distancing was the norm.  

What all can be used in Vending Machine - especially in Kerala?

1. Dispense hot coffee, chai, kattan kapi, milk, chukku kapi

2. Instant noodles in a bowl and soups

3. Glass of rasam! Choose many combinations. 

4. Milk packet dispenser at Milma pattom (They need to up their game) 

Which country has most Vending Machines

When I searched online I found that Japanese people use it widely. They have all sorts of items food items, eggs, toys, flowers, ice creams, banana, etc. Click this link to know more of the vending machines in Japan.

And, Here's a Biz Proposition

Oh, man, I love to buy a vending machine and make a biz out of it!

Would you like to partner in my venture! My idea, your capital!

What say? ๐Ÿ˜Š

Curious Konnections

Avilose Podi packet from Square One Talents

Having Avilose Podi at Square one

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Bluesea Fish for Fresh Fish Delivery Trivandrum


Bluesea Fishmart Whatapp Post

I'm a customer of Bluesea fish from the time they started from a shop near Burma Road, Kumarapuram, I seen how they have overcome many challenges in their fish biz, esp when owners had asked them to vacate the shop and the covid time. Apart from overcoming the odds, they improvised in many ways and increased the customer base.

What I like the most is the fresh stock and the daily Whatsapp updates. Btw, if you're from Trivandrum and who like to get the updates from Bluesea fish, you can either Contact 9633152213 or Whatsapp 9633152213

What's great about Blueseafish Mart and what others fish vendors can learn:

1. Fish is cleaned and delivered to home ( Many shop in Tvm does it)
2. Due to high demand, fish stock is sold out by 9ish ( So, no old stock) This try. 
3. When there's shortage in supply or when fish price goes way up, they don't sell. They inform about it in a status update 

4. Good presentation of fish on Whatsapp ( In the above image ☝️, they have given a note about the number of mathi in a kg. Such info removes the ambiguity). Click to see the details on the image. 

Here are few of my suggestions for other fish stores:

1. Sell only fresh fish. In case of old stock, then either dispose it through some other means or slash the price of old stock and inform to the customers. I know it's not easy. But, if you maintain certain quality standard, then customers will love you ๐Ÿฅฐ and your biz for it. Be honest about the catch, timing and which day's stock is it! 

2. Keep a very active Whatsapp account. Keep posting updates. Not just one update about the price in the morning. Also, if there are fish heads, send private msg to people who regularly buy fish head. 

3. Try and sell the stock within a certain time. Avoid over stocking fish. This is a big problem with most fish vendors. They have to sit the whole day to finish the stock.WHY! Be like BLUESEA FISH๐Ÿ˜ธ

4. Start a Facebook page and share daily updates. Also, share recipes which you have made and other recipes or hacks shared by a customer. Moreover, add tips for cooking fish, cleaning fish and storing fish. How to spot stale fish or chemical dipped fish, etc. ( Need help in maintaining fb page. I can pitch in for a good price) ☺️

5. Make few marinates and try selling pre-marinated cuts ( Give it a try)

6. If the customer complains about the quality of fish, then either compensate the price or tell a genuine sorry. Refund works best! I know it's hard, but that will strengthen customer loyalty. 

7. Sell, clay pot from your store. Keep few good quality clay pot. Start with few and see how people are responding. 

8 Here's my super idea what was simmering for a long long time. ( Keep fish pickle from home chefs). Keep it in a good place where customers can see and easily pick it. ( Provide a label with details of the seller, how to contact them directory or where to write a review for the product).
Either charge a nominal amount for stocking their pickles or do not charge any amount. Keep only good stuffs. Provide at least one fish pickle for sample. This will be the cost the seller has to bear. 

( Just one seller's stock should be given as sample. Also, provide Facebook/Insta details of the seller below their display ( QR Code to reach their page) 

NB - This idea is originally from Eve's Cafe, Vempalavattom, Trivandrum. They keep a variety of desserts, cakes from other home bakers in Trivandrum. The name of the seller is also given in a slip. ( Its's an honest step to promote home bakers and to give customers more choice). It benefits your biz and promotes the dream of other home based food sellers! 

8. Keep sales staff which are experienced and knowledgeable about fish. Also those who are experienced in cutting the fish in the right way.
Also, don't assume certain common preferences about fish. So, ask the customer about the kind of cut they prefer. For example, I prefer to have mathi ( sardines) with the head. And, each time to go to a shop, I have to explain or they just chop off the head. What's life without the head!

Also, some fish like sear fish, there are many questions you can ask. Do you want curry or fry cut? Do you prefer fish with skin? ( I prefer to keen the skin of king fish) How about you?

9. Be friendly/courteous and patient with the customers. From my personal experience, a girl at GoFish, at Kumarapuram, Murinjapalam road was a class in her own way. Her name was Hima ( I hope i'm right). She was really pleasant in the way she address people in the calls, or when customers visit the shop.

I haven't seen anyone close to her - the way she address the customers, speaking with their name, and give personal attention and all the while she has pleasant smile. Such people in your shop is the most valuable asset.

( Btw, is such skills too difficult to learn, copy or practice). 

10. Keep the fish store clean, and smelling good. 

All India Bougainvillea Plant Fest in Trivandrum - Proposal

Bougainvillea near Kannanmoola


Sun was hash this year. Harsh is an understatement. During the peak of the summer sizzle, I drove in my scooter, with sun bearing down without any hesitation. The situation inside the office was more close to an oven. The fans were not of much help in this over heated world. And, it was worse in many other govt offices like village office which did not have any sheet on the terrace. 

Only good thing about the long summer month was that it was a bonanza for flowering plants like bougainvillea and many other. As for me, I had a good number of petunias of pink, light pink and white shade.  

Of the summer loving plants, Bougainvilleas was the highlight of the season. In many houses, we could see blooming show by the gate, on the arches, pots lined up on the terrace. What a show it was!

Let's make a big party out of Bougainvileas! That's the whole idea about! 

The tropical climate of Trivandrum, coupled with its status as the capital city, makes it an ideal location for hosting an All India Bougainvillea Plant Fest and Mega Garden Show. This is the event I have envisaged for these flowers.

Why shouldn't we celebrate the vibrant beauty of bougainvillea and other exotic plants! So, the whole plan is to host an event or a Bougainvillea Plant show which will call upon local, national and international Bougainvillea nurseries.

Event Overview 

Event Name: All India Bougainvillea Plant Fest and Mega Garden Show

Duration: 2 Days

Venue: Kanakakunnu Palace Premises, Trivandrum

Organizers: Government Horticultural Society at Kanakakunnu or a reputed event organizer or it could be you or Lulu Mall! 

Inauguration: By the Minister for Horticulture or Agriculture

At the entrance of Highness Bar, Trivandrum

Highlights of the Event - Bougainvillea Extravaganza in Trivandrum! Floral Carnage!

Exhibitors from all over India, from South Americas and South East Asian countries will be invited to send their best plants for exhibit and sale.The type of bougainvilleas can include anything from big potted ones to bonsai, ivy-like vines, and potted plants.

Just imagine, if the event is able to garner people and nurseries from different places, then it could be spectacle for Trivandrumites to see bouganivilleas in such a form, dignity and fame! 

Virtual Exhibition too!

A dedicated YouTube Live channel which streams the events for 18 hrs, allowing viewers to participate virtually. 

Online viewers can purchase plants during the virtual show, ensuring wider accessibility and convenience.

Immediate Delivery Service:

Attendees and online buyers can take advantage of same-day delivery within the city, enhancing the shopping experience.Also, it will be shipped to buyers from other states. 

Public Engagement:

The event is open to the public, providing a fun and educational outing for families and individuals alike. There will be workshops on how to grow, and maintain this plant. 

District and State Participation:

Horticultural societies from all districts and other states will be invited, ensuring a diverse and visually stunning exhibition.

Professional Displays:

The venue will feature professionally crafted stands and displays to highlight the beauty of the plants.

Benefits of Hosting the Event

Publicity and National Coverage:

The event will attract media attention, bringing national coverage to Trivandrum and the state's horticultural achievements.

Economic Boost:

Local businesses, including plant sellers, food vendors, and artisans, will benefit from increased sales and exposure.

Advertising revenue from sponsors and participants will provide financial support for the event. Moreover, outstation sellers will be hosted in hotels and hostels in the city. 

Goodwill and Community Engagement:

The event will foster goodwill among residents and visitors, promoting a sense of community pride.

A portion of the income will be allocated to improving venue facilities, benefiting future events and activities.

Educational Opportunities:

Workshops and talks by experts will educate attendees about plant care, sustainable gardening, and the benefits of horticulture.

Environmental Awareness:

The event will promote environmental awareness and the importance of green spaces in urban areas.


The All India Bougainvillea Plant Fest and Mega Garden Show is poised to be a landmark event for Trivandrum, showcasing the city's natural beauty and horticultural talent. By bringing together plant enthusiasts from across the country and beyond, this event will not only provide economic benefits but also foster a deeper appreciation for the environment and community. We invite you to support and participate in this vibrant celebration of nature. 

Now, imagine such kind of plant themed fest could bring in money, people and goodwill to Trivandrum. Also, as years go by, it could grow to be Asia's largest Bougainvillea fest! I can't wait to see it! What about you?

How do you rate this plan? Will it work? Will you take it up? 

Curious Konnections 

Screen Grab from an Fb Reel
                                             ( )


                                              Source: agritvindia 

Bougainville Bonsai

Beauties in a Pot

Check these beautiful videos of bougainvillea






 Bougainvillea Bonsai ( Screen Shot from Facebook)

Find some other crazy dream tomorrow

We'll find some other crazy dream tomorrow
(Oh yeah)

How often do you like a song which you come across randomly on the YouTube Playlist? For me, I could be one song, one podcast, in a month. 

And, here's is the latest one. Last few months, I was listening a lot of these two songs - Move On by ABBA and prior to that was Wildflowers.

Sunday 16 June 2024

Good Mood Swing


Thankful Giving -generosity

Gala Mop - Cleaning Saviour

For some reason I was on an upbeat mood. Probably, It was a happy hormone that sprung from gardening. Well, I spend almost an hour digging around the space, getting hands dirty, adding manure, and petting my fav plant - petunia.

Another reason for the jolly good mood was that I bought a much required Gala stick from Lulu mall. I'm pretty much a sucker for such stuffs ( kitchen items). This mop stick is expensive, compared to other thread type mop sticks. My love for this type of mop goes around 15 years old. First time I saw a demo of such stick was in an exhibition booth and from that time onwards I have been using this in my house. 

The initial price of this cleaning stick was around 250 or 300.  Now,  the price is close to thousand bucks. One innovation of this mop stick is the use of soft material. In earlier models the sponge becomes rock solid if it dries. So, now its more convenient to use - don't have to dip in the water to make it soft! 

And the last reason that lifted my mood was that I bought 2 pair of gloves and gave it to ladies who collect kitchen waste. Earlier I had given one pair but it was not a pair - both for right hand. 

This gloves costed me Rs 50 a pair from Chalai, Marakada road. When I think of the aspect of giving to people, I get some kind of feel good hormone! And, today I was thinking of the big monied people around me, who are f@#king stingy and too calculative with money. Well, I mostly see more of such kind of people, than who are generous! ( Probably, I'm prejudiced to think this way and I'm wrong).

 What I feel is that if a fellow like me, with pennies in hand, can give a small gift to a person, then how much more can others do. 

Probably, one reaon that people are not giving much to the society is that they don't know whom to give and whether the charity goes to the right pocket. This gap is what needs to be filled. 

I somehow wish to give many things. But, with pennies in my pocket, I am not in a position to give more. So, to earn more, I'm using this blog as my engine for growth, happiness and sharing. ( Double Engine Sarkar types). I have anther blog, which will focus exclusively on marketing vitas, another of my fav topic.

In the end... 

I hope you too will make a list of things you can give to people around and start the habit of giving. There are many things which people or organizations require - such as a table fan for the anganwadi, an electric geyser for a primary health centre, or cycle or electric scooter for a family or a set of underwear for a orphan, or it could be a  net recharge for a day labourer or just about anything you find appropriate. 

I hope you too will Share your Blessings!

Curious Konnections Blog

Solar Power by Chinese Firms - Exponential View


Source - Exponential View

Time is ticking for big energy players like BP, Shell and other traditional energy companies. Now, the grown is shifting to big players who are new to the arena. They are the Chinese companies who are into solar energy production. Well, I haven't heard any of them. 

So, if you're in charge of the traditional oil producers, what decisions will you take today to protect your income, your clout! Btw, is there anything that could be done? 

Is the only way to survive is to shift to solar or other forms of energy? But, that's going to take some time? Does companies like BP or Chevron has alternative energy units which are looking into the clean energy generation. 

What about big Oil Corporations in India? Do you they have a plan B to offset the changes that are happening now? 

Here's a snippet from Exponential View 

Have you heard of Tongwei? How about BP? Everyone knows the Seven Sisters of Big Oil, but there’s a new rival on the block – let’s call them China’s Solar Seven.

David Fickling points out that The Solar Seven are now producing amounts of useful energy comparable to the Big Oil companies. If you consider the total amount of energy that each firm can produce without major reinvestment (either finding new reserves or depreciation of panels), “clean power moves clearly into the lead.” (See chart.)

This marks the beginning of a profound shift from oil to solar energy. Tongwei is already planning to double its current solar production capacity. My view is that solar producers will have less

To read from the Exponential View site, check this link