Saturday 31 August 2024

Fed Up with Being Ignored to Take Orders? Why Bar Staff Are Ignoring Your Table?


Beer at a Place in Tvm

Last week a friend came and three of us went to have beer! It was a bar close to our house as it was the obvious choice.

This place is known for good food. So, before further ado, let me thank the chef and the cooking staff for the good food! ( Btw, a side point here. Is there a quick way to hire or connect with the cooks or chefs in a restaurant. If another restaurateur visits a hotel and falls in love with the food, is there a way he or she can reach out to the chef and give an offer to move to a new place? ) 

Why Customer Service in Bars in Trivandrum Sucks!

I have been to few bars in Trivandrum and most times I never felt nothing great about the serve dolled out. After each service, I ask myself this - why is it so difficult to provide a decent service, even when these buggers get tips from customers like me. 

Why Most Waiters Here Suck at their Job

This time at this bar, the experience was quite below par. We were sitting in one corner in this dimly lit bar. The view from the roof top was great. However, after we ordered beer, I had to raise my hand sky high to get the attention of the waiters. Even after many attempts of raising my hand, waiters still ignored us. The sad part is that the waiter who served beer, acted very busy at other tables. He could have just come around asking if we want something. 

Waiters Good in Acting Busy ( Why are they not Motivated to Smile or to Serve)

This is the most common flaw with waiters. They just pretend to be busy. And, another technique they do is to have a tunnel vision or appear as if they don't see other tables.

In our case too, I even tried lifting my hand and even shouted hello! Even after all these gymnastics, the water who served the near by table, completely ignored the table. The more I lifted my hand, more he focused his vision on the people on the table.

I think the waiter who was serving in the next table acted as if there was a lekshmana rekha. Well, we know these waiters have certain tables allotted. However, he could just look at us and tell then he will inform the waiter or do the require service.

But, this waiter must have thought.... that table is none of my biz. So, why the fuckshould I take another order or even acknowledge.

Why Scanning of Table is Important for Good Service 

I'm damn sure that these waiters know that customers might require some thing. They just don't want to serve or attend a request. So, a person with such an intention hardly show a stance to serve!

If I was the one who was running a restaurant or bar like this, then I would first give practical training on how to scan all the tables and keep going around looking for any order requirement. If he or she is not able to follow these basic instructions, then I would replace him for somonesuch a place, either I will set this straight or I'll surely fire him or give him the training on how to walk around the serving space. 


Here's what ChatGPT has to say about this! 

Practical Training for Workers on Attending Every Table

Regular Table Scanning: Train staff to scan the entire dining area every 5 minutes to ensure no table is left unattended or overlooked.

Assigned Zones: Divide the restaurant/bar into specific zones, assigning waitstaff to particular areas. Ensure they regularly check all tables in their designated zone.

Non-Verbal Cues: Teach staff to recognize non-verbal cues from customers, such as looking around or trying to make eye contact, as signs that they need assistance.

Proactive Greeting: Instruct waitstaff to greet new customers as soon as they are seated and briefly check in every 15-20 minutes to see if the table needs anything.

Use of Technology: Implement handheld devices or apps that remind waitstaff to check on tables at set intervals, ensuring consistent attention.

Empathy Training: Encourage staff to put themselves in the customer’s shoes, understanding the frustration of being ignored and emphasizing the importance of timely service.

Check-in Routine: Develop a routine where waitstaff ask if everything is satisfactory each time they pass a table, even if the customers haven't actively signaled for attention.

Source: ChapGpt ☝️

Tips for Customers to Get the Best Service

Choose a Central Table: Select a table in a highly visible area, where it's easier for waitstaff to notice you.

Establish Eye Contact Early: As soon as you sit down, make eye contact with a waiter and give a friendly nod or wave to establish a connection.

Be Polite but Assertive: Politely but clearly signal your need for service, whether by raising your hand or calling out if the waitstaff is nearby.

Weird Ways to Get a Waiter's Attention

The Napkin Trick: Drop a napkin or utensil on the floor near the aisle and pick it up slowly. This often catches the attention of waitstaff as they pass by.

Pretend to Take Notes: Pull out a notepad and start writing things down while glancing at the waitstaff. The curiosity might prompt them to approach your table.

The Dramatic Sigh: Exaggerate a sigh or look of disappointment when the waiter is within earshot. The unusual behavior might trigger a response from attentive staff.

Source: ChapGpt ☝️

Let me add another hack that came to my mind. If waiters are regularly ignoring you, then use a mobile phone, and play the sound of fallen glass. The shattering sound hopefully will get their attention!

What about advance tipping!

Give something and they are mentally bound to remember you! So, as soon as you settle in a table, give the waiter either some money as upfront tip or even give a small memento. Something he or she will remember! I have used this technique when I went for a pedicure. I gave a small tip before they started the service. This upfront payment did the trick!

So, what is your most unpleasant experience about restaurant service. or recurring gripe about restaurant service? 

If you'r a restaurant owner, then I can help or do a consulting work to gauge your service. I can make couple of trips to your restaurant or bar and give feedback about the service, areas of improvement, list out who are the best waiters, how service can be improved, cleanliness points, how to cross-sell, etc. 

What you say! If you have any offer for restaurant service consultation, then you can contact me 📞+91 7406989233.  

What Kind of Weird Friends Do you Have?


Meme ( Source Vibesxwriting)

🔹 What do you feel about your friends circle?
🔹 Do you have a fairly good network of friends from different walks of life?
🔹 Are you feeling lonely as friends has drifted apart? 
🔹 What does it take to build friends in your 30's, 40's, 50's or 60's.

What do you do to share your thoughts when you have less people in your life to share your subtle life lessons, failures, hacks and joys?

Like to Share Your Ideas about this topic!

📩 Message me! I'm available on this 📞+91 7406989233 or Whatsapp!

People Loved to be Heard, Remembered and Referred!

Bloom by the Bay

 This is what I felt after I spoke during my last day in my office. So, after my unscripted talk about my life in the office, I felt that I could have called the names of people who helped in different aspects of my office thing! 

Well, mistakes happens, and lessons has to be learned!

That's what I feel and I too have felt when people address a meeting. Sometimes, we wait to hear our names being called on how we contributed or helped in the mission!

Amen to this!

Friday 30 August 2024

Malayalam Film Industry in Crisis as Allegations Mount: Leading Actors Accused of Preying on Aspiring Stars


TV Grab of YouTube Channel 

All Out Chaos - Hope things settle fast!

As I write, scandal that has erupted in Mollywood is taking big names, bringing them down from the high pedestal. It's a bloody twisted issue involving power, sex, casting couch, and eroticism of mallu men.

With the scandal, all types of news media, from the traditional newspaper, the TV, the new age YouTube, and the meme factory, are having a field game ripping about the stories and people apart! Along with the media, public too is lapping up the drama, twists with all its eagerness. Ofcourse, their perverted imagination is played!

Mollywood Victims ( Deeds, Misfortune, Guilt)

This post is not taking a stand for the real victims, as the law of the land will take it's normal course. I'm interested in the story of men, how they got carried away and how these men are facing the blunt of their own moves. For now, the they are the victims of their own game.

I'm thinking of the actors as victim (men), who have to answer numerous questions! Before I say more, I'm NOT supporting the perpetrators in any way. What I'm suggesting is a different angle to the showdown. 

Solace and Support when Crisis Hits  

The fire set ablaze from the Hema Commission Report is raging with no end in sight. Wonder when all this will simmer and cool down! 

Now my Question is for the Victims  (actors) who are on the hot seat of allegations. So, I'm just putting myself in their shoes and thinking of a solution or solace!

- Is there any help or mental support the actors can get when they are faced with such an issue or any issue in their carrer? Is there any mentor whom they can turn to? What about professional mentorship at the time like this?

- How can they get the right guidance in such troubled times ( Is there any professional help ready to take the service?)

- Is there an expert panel who can study and give mental support with right talk.( PR Teams or Multi-faceted counselling team)

- Is there a support team available exclusively for celebrities and for high-net-worth individuals.( Such a team would include ( legal professionals, Psychologists, Media person, Content Creator, Influencer, Therapists, Counselor) 

These are the questions I had in mind! 

Suppose an actor who has allegations framed against him is asked to address a press conference or they have to appear before the court or write a social media post! The question here is how to prepare the content for a public event?

Few thought about it:.

  • How will he prepare for a press release?

  • What are the words and lines or thought a person should convey? Or in the first place, is he (acquired person) required to address the press?

  • How can he defend or give some kind of reply to the newsmen who are waiting for a slip from these men?

  • How to evade or reply succinctly to the questions? 

  • What is the right way to answer? 

I'm just seeing a need which can be fulfilled by a trained psychologists, or a legal advisor team or someone who is great negotiator or a smart talker! 

Hand-holding When Accusations are Aired!

In a situation when an actor or any person who is accused something of sexual nature, it's natural that people around him, even his family to shun him.When the close circle shuns an individual, then the mental torture becomes ten fold. 

So, if a person is let down by the people around, what' the next way to get support. This is where, a professional help should come in. In such troubled times, a professional can hand-hold him by giving mental support and advice for him to think straight.

Sometimes, all the person had to do is just give and tell them to stay strong. B'cos, there are many instances where people going through such phase of mental tension might take the extreme step of taking their life. And, that's one thing no one wants! 

I'm pro life, and that's the message. Also, I feel all these phases in life ( good and bad) will move away, leaving all of dead and forgotten in matter of years or decades. So, why should you excessively worry! Just get things straight, for you can have a new beginning! NEW YOU!

Support in Times of Distress - Trauma of the victim and the trauma of the accused!

Victims and accused have the same right to get the support at times of distress. This support will help them to get them back on their feet, have the right self talk, and help them to make amends and  become a better person. And, we know for a fact, that mistakes happen.

After all, we all are mortal beings and we make mistakes. What if there's a second chance to get the records straight.What you say?

Here's a Different Scenario! Nambi Narayanan Case in 1994

In 1994 Nambi Narayanan a top scientist with ISRO was charged with espionage and it was sensationalized as a scandal revolving around sex, money and espionage. 

I remember one interview given by Mr Nambi Narayanan's daughter or someone else ( Sasikumar)  who was going through this issue. She was saying that before the scandal the phone in their residence was always ringing with calls from friends and relatives. In other words, their house was a vibrant house with people wanting to be associated with the family. But, when the news of arrest and involvement came out, all people they knew all deserted them. In one flash, their house became a dead house. All their friends, acquaintance and relatives left them high and dry! 

My question is this - Did Mr Nambi Naryanaan get any support from any of his friends or relatives during this ordeal? What if he had an option at that time to call someone who could provide all types of support ( legal,and mental) support? Well, that was in 1994! Now, three decades after in 2024, is there any such competent support system available for people facing such allegations? 

This issue will simmer down as any other issue. But, in future another issue will erupt, and that time there will be victims ( men and women) who would require professional help to tide over. I think there's a need for professional services which can offer bespoke support, guidance and right advice to people (bad guys too) so that they get things straight!

Where and How do Ideas come from? 💭


Lemon Tea at a Tea Stall

Where do you get biz ideas, pickup lines, clickbait headlines or project ideas? 

Some say idea spark moments happens while taking shower, some get it while having an experience ( good and bad) or just during juxtaposition of various things.

For me, I get random ideas from everyday events of my life. At one time, I used  to frequently get ideas while having shower, something when I see or experience something or while watching video on YouTube, and so on. 

The pic above is one such moment. I went to a near by tea shop and  ordered lime tea and when it was over I done with one cup, I went to the counter to order one more. And, then this happened - Brownie Points!

Brownie Points Trivandrum ( Check this FB Page)

What's this thing about. It's the plan, just a plant to teach people how to make brownies. I can teach them at my place, or at customer's house, or as an activity in a club, or as a team building activity. Also, I can sell brownies to tea shops! 

What do you think? 

Btw, I haven't made brownies in my life. And, I know that's not a problem! 


Curious Konnections! 

Thursday 29 August 2024

Aakiri Kada Browser and Akiri Hoarder 🙋‍♂️

 Another day of sorting, and removing unused stuffs from the storeroom and shelving it in the car shed. This is the day two of such an activity. Today, I removed an old wet grinder which was kept below the second kitchen counter. When I took off the lid and cover of this unused bulky wet grinder, a group of cockroaches scurried out it.

 With all these dumping of junk inside the car shed, it's becoming messy inside. However, I keep telling this - Out of Sight, Out of Mind!

Btw, are you an arkri kada browser?

I love to visit old stores, looking for some knickknacks, or any vintage items. Through such scrap (arkri) shop visits, have found good stuffs from such places - an big pattayam key, which I use as a paper weight, a white copa tray used in hospitals, which I use for my terrarium class, an old cycle kerosene light which was bought from a waste paper shop.

In Trivanndrum, Marakada road is the hotbed of akiri kadas. One time, long ago, I saw a guy selling handcuffs. The ones used in the police station. I thought of buying it, but I waited for a day and it was over. Man, what a big loss! 

And, talking of handcuffs, I assume there are online sites which sells kinky products such as bondage bands, wrist bands and others! Btw, when in India will we give license for shops to sell sex toys? Why is govt not doing anything about it!

Probably, what govt should do is allocate few areas in each city for such shops to operate. For example,  it could be Titos lane in Baga, or in Trivandrum, Marakada road, or in a certain part of Kovalam beach or a nooky place somewhere in Chickpet or Majestic area in Bangalore, etc.

 Imagine, if govt gives sanction for such stores in select areas, charging an extra license fee, then it's another way to make it legal, create biz, get taxes,etc. Why are we still in the dark ages? 

Curious Konnections

P.S - Which are the popular sex toy online stores in India? 

When I googled for sex toys online, there was a big list of sites with good user interface and online buying experience. Check it out.

Wednesday 28 August 2024

Satisfaction in Odukalum Parakalum

 Today is a holiday on account of Ayyankali Jayanthi, 2024.

While I wanted to go to Kannakakunnu in the morning for a refreshing walk, I got delayed in getting up. So, I ended up doing the next thing on my morning agenda.

First task was to water the petunias in the terrace. Second was the task cleaning things, putting in a different place ( Odukalum and  Parakalum) .

We have an outside toilet which is not used and now that has become a storage space for all unused stuffs. Because of this, the room in the toilet has become a junkyard attracting rats.

So, my first job was to take all things outsdide. Next, I swept the floor of dirty.. Later, I carried all these stuffs which was not used to the empty car shed. Already this car shed has become a repository of empty bottles in sacks, tables, broken chairs, etc. So, it's more becoming another dump-yard hidden from the normal view.

When all the lifting and disposing of stuff was done, I felt immense satisfaction in the morning. Wonder, if there's a spike in dopamine when we do such kind of tidying job? 

Do you get a good feeling when you finish a de-clutter mission? 

So, what kind of Odukalum Parakalum did you do today? Is there a way to do mental declutter so that you have less thoughts to handles?

Btw, Odukalum Parakalum mathiyo? What are the real stuffs you should plan to sort mentally which can help you to be successful in life? 

Let me know your thoughts! 

Monday 26 August 2024

Deb Chachra Quote


Deb Chachra

I came across a good article by Deb Chachra from the blog - A Learning a Day! Thanks again to such blogs that we come across many men and women who are doing remarkable work. 

Next, I wish to buy her book, “How infrastructure works”! I was thinking how many lecturers, planners, politicians, academicians, engineering college faculty read such books. 

Imagine now if a engineering college in Bangalore or Kerala has a forum where they share information about latest books related to their field and also ask every student to read such books and publish their learning on a blog or an a LinkedIn post. Don't you think it will make our students more aware of the world around, than just learning from textbooks. 

Or the UGC, should make it a mandate that college lecturers and professors to read such books and share their learning on a blog, or write about it in newspaper or make a podcast material with relevant examples. Btw, I think there are such processes now for lectures to publish papers. So, apart from such paper stuffs, they can also use notes from books to create new learning material.

P.S - I forgot that I have written about Deb Chachra is another post. Anyways, this post had something new to share, an image of her quote and about the practice of reading latest books in Engineering schools and such. Pls check my earlier post about the article she had written. 

P.S - Her quote reminds me of how badly my scooter requires a service. Luckily, so far I have been driving this without it breaking down. Just lucky is an understatement as my scooter hasn't seen neither water service nor taken it to a mechanic for a engine checkup! 

Humanoid Robot Is Coming to Your Home

Source: Unitree Website

Robots are coming in sooner than we all expected. I was thinking the clumsy looking and bulky ones which finds itself walking precariously will take many more iterations before it becomes a usable one.

But, that's way wrong!

Now, what!

When can see these robots with silicon attached to the body, even with body hair and smooth or rough skin having human features working on many odd jobs in you home. Now imagine such a robot, doing household jobs, cleaning the drains, sweeping our roads, working as security guards, as a janitor, or patrolling our borders, going for a search and rescue mission, building houses like masons,  giving people a companionship, working on off shore drills, teaching students, editing videos, playing tennis or chess, reading out stories, making new stories, planting garden, fixing roofs and making love to lonely people,! Ha!

All these thoughts makes our entire workforce redundant! WTF!

Btw, this robot is not from USA or Europe, but from China mainland. A company Called Unitree makes these.  So, boys get ready for more tech headwinds from China. 

P.S When do you think we'll have such robots at home doing the dusting, cleaning, moping and providing security cover and also picking items from the delivery boy? 

Will such a reality happen within 5 years?

Raj Shamani Clips Interview with Sabeer Bhatia

I have seen couple of interviews by Raj Shamani and it's refreshing to see how he sprinkles the interview with interesting questions. And, he has the look that he is eager to know the stories and he does it well. 

Good job!

I this interview with Sabeer Bhatia, what there are many points which I liked. 

1. Why Indians and Indian authorities shun the idea of disruption. He says, unlike in India the west is more receptive to ideas that are novel and disruptive. 

2. Life has become full circle

3. Just like Sabeer Bhatia's experience, it would be good that each one of us acquires money and then understand that it's not the money alone. Well, getting rich is important, and after getting rich there are other things that makes sense. 

Come Back to India with a Solution - Biz Opportunities

 Right now the flow of students and professionals from India to other countries in on a all time high! One segment that's growing in double digits is the foreign education sector. If you look around the number of foreign education consultant in Trivandrum, that will speak about the demand for foreign education among young people.  

At times I wonder what's driving so many young people and professionals to go in advanced countries.! Is it that India lack opportunity or is it the lure of living in a Western society, the high value of their currencies or they want a less hassle life or to focus on better education for kids, etc!

I have few suggestions for those who are living a good life in other world cities. 

1. India too has big opportunities of growth if you're ready to fix it. We have many broken system and if you can find a solution for it, then you can live a king's life here.

2. We have a growing population which is aging. Again, we need proper care facilities, old age homes, etc. So, if you have a better system in mind, then you can start a geriatric centre or start a place which trains house maids or people who can take care of people with empathy. 

3. Cafes, resto bars are booming. Why not start something new, which you have seen working in the West. Setting a biz is not easy in Kerala, but you can with a proper study, or with right partnership and planning. 

4. Solar energy installation is a growing area. Do you have a solution for it? 

5. Country side holiday homes, retreats in rubber plantation are opportunity which you can think of. If you have a house in Kottayam, Pathanamthitta side, then you can utilize the land to make homestay experience or it could be a farm house experience. 

6. Start a micro brewery in Kochi or Trivandrum. Well, you could be the first one to set a brewery in Trivandrum and you can expect a good reception to such biz. ( For reference, TOIT could be one). As of now, govt has not issued license but soon it will be allowed. Try to use your influence to prompt govt to open this sector. 

I was imagining such a micro brewery by the beach side. That would be a lovely sight to see the waves and sip flavored or crafted beer. 

7. Start a mega nursery with exotic to local collection of plants. A place where people can spend the who day picking plants, having a picnic on a lawn in your garden centre, good food and of course good coffee and snacks too. 

We don't have such nurseries here. Why not start one in Negumangadu side or in Kochi outskirts. 

8. Kochi has mosquito problem. Why not start a service in this regard. Also, I have seen many drains in Kochi which are clogged, which breeds mosquitoes. As a unique biz promotion, you can do this - for every mosquito proofing net solution you install, your team will clean a public drain. Sounds nice. Give it a try.

9. Start a large aquarium centre. Kerala folks are crazy of garden, pets and aquarium. Start one in a big space where people have good space to park their cars. 

10. Recently, a new grill and food joint opened in Poonthi Road. It's called Urban Space Restaurant By Barbecue Space. I visited and had promfret grill in kandhari marinate. It was good flavor, fresh taste and good service. And, this restaurant is packed. 

Only thing I wished in this place was beer. 

11. Open a mountain bike track around the space where there's a trail for jeepers. So, along with jeep slouching in the muddy track, people who like mountain bike can enjoy a ride uphill and downhill. Wayanad has good spots for it. 

12. Why not start a restaurant which serves a modified Kerala thali ( cut down too much coconut) and add few new stuffs suitable for North Indians, foreigners. I like Goan fish thali and people who rave about it. So, why not make few changes to our spread and make it palatable for a larger audience. 

Similar to Fat Fish in Goa, this restaurant can serve beer, play music or have live music. Also, serve fresh lobsters, crab etc. 

13. Start a finishing school - We are not polished like foreigners in many of our habits. So, why not start a school which teaches young people on various habits, nuances to make them groove with foreign culture. 

Currently, there're videos on YouTube where foreigners are shouting at Indians for their lack of taste or finesses. Why! We should be richer than them in all aspects of life! 

So, get a training school esp for students who are visiting abroad for studies. Tell them know the dos and don't and other culture aspects of different countries. 

Oh, I have more to pen down, but this is enough for today! And, why did I write. I just saw a video on YouTube where some foreigner lady was lashing out to Indians - Go Back! Well, that's bad. We need to stand up, and stand tall! 

Domlur Views


Domlur Side Road - Near Sagar Super Bazar

Places of Interest in and Around Domlur.

1. Lavonee 

2. BDA Complex 

3. Water Tank


Bangalore Life, Experiences and Scenes

 I love each place I visit for some unique reason. On the same lines, Bangalore for me is flooded with memories and moments, which are big and small in nature. 

So, what makes Bangalore special for many folks like me? 

Is it the fast time, money and opportunity? Is it the fun life, music, pubs, spas, gardens, cafes and eateries? 

For each person the answer to the question about Bangalore life may be different. As of me, I am still seeking new experiences, relationships, meetups and biz opportunity. 

Here are few photos of Bangalore life and everyday scenes from my mobile cam:

1. Domlur Road View

2. Bob's bar 

3. Indira Nagar 100 ft Road

4. Koramangala 80ft Road


Sunday 25 August 2024

Cut the Small Talk! Raise The Pep Talk

 This is today's epiphany! Its's based on one of my weak spot, out of many. It's my loose talk, trivial talk, or you can say the small talk. 

This small talk or unplanned talk or answer often leads to unpleant reactions! So, off-late I've been cutting down on reactionary answer or talk. And, I feel so relived with it! 

Now I need to Raise the Pep Talk to Myself!

Today I was feeling overwhelmed with many things. I had masons who had come to work on the house ceiling, money to be raised to pay off a gold loan kept for auction, and as usual I was thinking of telling my spouse to get ready early to start her day. All these thoughts was making me feel a bit depressed! And, in this junction, I was thinking of how a organized person will manage the day's activities. 

After all, this day too pass and we will find a way out! And, I was thinking of Dhoni, the Mr  cool of India cricket on how he reacts, speaks with finesse and fires on the field. I want to be more like him - more  grounded. Who doesn't want to be like him. 

Everyone Has to Chart Their Course

There's no help coming from anywhere. And, so the answer you're seeking lies within. On this basis, I decided to cut my small talk, and be more practical in my reaction, talk to myself, be more sure of things that should be discussed and what shouldn't be spoken, and all that. 

Hoping to stick to this philosophy!


What is your epiphany for today?

Friday 23 August 2024

Kerala Brand Nanma - Another Death By Committee Story!


Nanma - Kerala Branding

Nanma - Kerala’s Seal of Trust and Superior Quality in Product and Service.


GO Order ( Nanma) - 

I first saw the news about the new Kerala branding initiative - namely, Nanma from a LikedIn post by a Kerala minister  It all sounded good with the hype, slogans and the promise. But, beyond the naming, if you look at the attempt, it looks like any other committee driven initiative, which is likely to have less or minimal impact. 

One thing I found in the Government GO is the list committee members. And, when we look at the members in this committee, it's freaking absurd. All these bureaucrats, and officials listed must be there in another hundred other committees. 

So, how on earth will they ever have the time, energy or namna to give something of value to the "NANMA' project.

Btw,  is there any cap/limit on the number of committee an official is enrolled. Are they asked,before they are listed on the Government order.

I really wish to know the total number of committee Principal Secretary is included. Wish someone can file a RTI to know the number of committees they people are in! It will give the right point to discuss the efficacy of this team! 

Instead of pulling these many bureaucrats and executive staff on the panel, here's a more practical and specific talent pool. This is just a suggestion. Such a team will have time and expertise to evaluate applications from brands to be included in NANMA brand. 

The team can comprise of such people:

1. Designer or Product visualizer 
2. SME ( Subject matter expert)
3  Branding and Marketing person
4. Quality Assessment Person
5. Evaluator ( Access the namna on core criteria)

Link from The Hindu, about Nanma initiative by Kerala Govt

Death by Committee

Later on, in his 1958 book Parkinson’s Law: The Pursuit of Progress, Parkinson devoted an entire chapter to comitology: how committees, government cabinets, and other such bodies are created and eventually grow irrelevant (or are initially designed as such. Comitology is defined by a “coefficient of inefficiency” whereby the more members in a committee, the more useless the committee. Not exactly counterintuitive. 
The waste is further compounded here in the region as government committee members are given a nice “attendance bonus” (sometimes as high as the average entry employees salary) for every committee meeting they attend. No wonder there are so many committees and so many meetings



Also, it's high-time, Kerala hires an International web agency or branding agency to redesign and brand Nanma. Currently, the content of the site is almost similar to the content on my blog ( drab stuff) 😐🟫.

 For a change, get it done by another agency but not Keltron or NIC or any govt entity. All these are just another committee run places! We need a fresh breath of air into our website branding. Btw, it will cost serious money and that part has to be taken care.

What will an International Agency Do?

1. Create a holistic branding concept
2. Create content ( video, text and Social media content)
3. Create a plan to take it forward to a global audience|
4. Chalk a plan to involve citizens and NRIs 

5. Set a  philosophy on the ground level
6. Plan a Nanma Week once in a year ( Give recognition to brands, as well as citizens who practice Nanma in their life)

It could be public servants, private individuals, startup entrepreneurs, home makers, etc. Nanma is about about spreading goodwill in the society. So, this term can be used to spread love in the community in a time, where we have over a gazillion factions. 


Actually, this NANMA concept is good but it's not given the right branding, it will just another slogan like Swatch Bharat or many other names given for the sake of naming! 

What about NANMA Parks, Nanma Food Counters or Food Festivals, NANMA Kite Festival or Competition? 

Official Kerala emblem - 

official Kerala emblem

Canara Bank Branding on Roof Top!

 Recently, I noticed a Canara Bank board by the side of the road near Technopark area. It was the typical blue color board with the logo of Canara Bank in  the background. This board by the side of lane had the arrow mark to show the location of the Technopark branch.

This board is visible to anyone who waits at the traffic light near to Infosys boat shaped building at Trivandrum . And, while I waited here, I thought of this random connection, which could be a publicity stunt for Canara bank! 

Before getting to the heart of the matter, let me take you on a flight over Trivandrum.

For those who have landed in Trivandrumt must have seen this! 

One of the first sight of Trivandrum from an aircraft, is the scores of coconut trees, the view of roof tops of houses,and the pale blue ocean. And as it descends further down for the final approach, the houses become more visible - no just houses, it's the numerous blue roof of the houses. 

What's the Blue Roof Doing with the Houses in Kerala

Due to climate change, summer months are becoming extremely hot and rains are heavy during monsoon months. Such adverse climatic conditions are causing cracks on terrace roof. So, to protect the house, many home owners are installing additional sun roof. The roofing sheet used is mostly metal or plastic roof.. And many such sheets are blue in color.

 ( )

And while the plane curves around the Arabian sea coastline, the roofs stare at us with a vacant expression, hiding the houses and stories of people living under these roofs. And, so, our story begins here!

So, what if we find a possibility of branding on house roof! 

Plan 1 for Canara Bank 

What if Canara bank paints the logo on the roof of the houses located close to the landing stretch - places like Muttara, Poonthara area, Valyathura, and the houses located by the side of the highway or landing strip. Apart from just painting logo on roof, it can use this opportunity to promote house rennovation loan package. 

So, Canara bank can take the initiate to provide loans with flexible repayment option for people to fix plastic or metal roofing. I guess there will be many takers for this scheme in Kerala as we are witnessing heavy bouts of rain and severe summer blaze.

So, these roofs provide an additional protection from both elements of nature and protects the terrace from cracks and leaks.

Plan 2 for NANMA Kerala Brand

Recently, Kerala has taken up Nanma brand as a visage of quality and value. Probably, this brand logo of NANMA Kerala could be painted on roofs of houses around the landing area. 

3 Govt Can Make a Big logo of NANMA Kerala, which can be seen from the Flight!

 Let's assume that govt takes the initiative to utilize an open land, to plant coconut trees in the shape of Nanma logo! By this, people flying out or Visiting Trivadrum can see the new branding story of Kerala.

So, as per this wild or crazy branding idea - imagine, if someone or govt take up a plan to arrange coconut trees to resemble the brand logo of NANMA.  It can be done in a sufficiently large space, where they can replant coconut trees and around it it can landscaped to give it a quick impression. What do you think? Will it make the story of Kerala unique? Is there any such experiments done in foreign countries? 

View of Naaden ( Source; )

Imagine such an ariel view of NANMA Logo around a water body, with garden space, park and recreation facility.  Also, in such a space, a big QR Code should be placed which could be read from airplane travelers ( Fancy or it could be a futuristic Idea)

Another suggestion for an ariel view icon for Kerala!

1. One is the image of NAMA ( Mentioned above)

2. Image or the emblem of Kerala ( The emblem depicts two elephants guarding the state emblem and the Travancore Kingdom emblem, which is a silver conch shell.)

This could be done either by pruning plants in this shape or use a structure which use water, plants and hedges to depict the emblem

3. Logo of Kerala Tourism God's own country. 

  Imagine if the logo of Kerala tourism is made on the big scale on the ground, such that all flights can see the welcoming sign of Kerala tourism from the sky! Wow! 

Imagine a tourist reaching Trivandrum or Kochi airport get to take a picture of this before landing! Wow to that! So, we're creating an experience for the traveller before he or she lands in our state. The captain of the flight can also suggest people about the view as they approach the landing area. 

4. A large lettering of the name Ayurveda for Kerala. So, big it can be seen from the plane.It could be near Agastyar mountain range, the abode of Agasthyar Muni, the father of Ayurveda. 

Just Saying!

Curious Konnections 

PS - If any Canara Bank employee sees this post, then pls do consider this promotion gimmick! Btw, apart from just branding purpose, Canara bank can come up with a special promotion for solar sell installation on such roofs. And, when a solar panel is installed in a house with Canrana bank's loan, they can paint their logo with a line saying - Powered by Canara Bank! 

Thursday 22 August 2024

Gantok Special Momos - Here's to my Momo Inspiration

For some time I've been thinking of mom's as a biz setup in Trivandrum. Well, I've been talking about it, but no action so far. So, today, I took print of momo recipe from AI. 

Let me start doing, and not just taking. 
Momo Food

Momo - Screen Grab

Trivandrum Vista


Blue Sky and Coconut Trees

Where have you been in Trivandrum? Which all places do you like, repulsed or fallen in love? I have lived most of my life in this city and that makes a ton of memory associated with each place. So, here are the list of my visits and pieces of memory associated with each place. 

Population of Trivandrum is 2,984,154 as per the latest census. This makes Trivandrum the most populated city in Kerala. I feel the surge in population in Trivandrum is due to the growth of opportunities in many areas such as technology sector, VSSC, healthcare, airport, horticulture, education, retail biz, etc.

Places of interest in Trivandrum

1 Kovalam Beach in Trivandrum

2. Varkala Cliff views

3. Kapil

4 Punjakari

5. East Fort 

6. West Fort Area

7. Brahmin Street 

8. Medical College 

9. Chalai area 

10. Kanakakunnu Palace 

11. Amma Veedu 


Creative Catalyst: (Me) Spark Ideas for Your Team


I'm a self proclaimed god-man - not in the holy way, but in a slightly different form. I call myself as a conceptual innovator or idea generator. This means, ideas come seemingly easy for me. I'm not boasting about this as this is my only strength, and only chance to do something about it. This is one reason, I started this blog to shell out all that comes on my mind - good and bad and rotten stuff. 

However, all the so called ideation, or brainstorming skills have little value by itself in the marketplace. We have AI to do the idea generation, comparison of different plans, and even distilling different concepts and finding new tracts. I sometimes feel that I should have started this blog some five years back and then it would have help me to earn some money. What you say? 


So, what other skills can be compliment the skill of making ideas and connections happen! How can I use other skills to make something out of it? 

That's what I have to figure out!

Btw, this is the prompt I gave to ChatGpt and Gemeni. Both results are somewhat similar. 

How can a person be described who can suggest offshoot ideas based on a topic or a strategy or a biz problem!

ChatGPT Answer

Creative Thinker – Known for generating innovative and diverse ideas.

Idea Generator – Consistently comes up with new angles and approaches.

Strategic Visionary – Sees beyond the obvious to propose forward-thinking ideas.

Conceptual Innovator – Skilled at turning concepts into actionable strategies.

Brainstorming Guru – Thrives in collaborative environments, offering valuable insights.

Innovation Catalyst – Sparks creativity and drives the ideation process forward.

Out-of-the-Box Thinker – Challenges conventional thinking with fresh perspectives.

Problem-Solving Maven – Quickly identifies solutions through creative ideation.

Insightful Strategist – Combines analytical thinking with creative ideas.

Idea Architect – Builds and refines ideas into structured plans.

Hackathon Hero – Excels at rapid ideation and execution during intense projects.

Creative Facilitator – Guides teams through productive brainstorming sessions.

Strategic Brainstormer – Expert at aligning ideas with long-term goals.

Innovation Enthusiast – Passionate about generating and developing novel ideas.

( Gemini AI)

14 Ways to Describe a Person Who Can Suggest Offshoot Ideas

Here are 14 descriptive terms for someone who excels at brainstorming and generating offshoot ideas:

Creative Thinking Abilities:

Ideator: This person is a natural idea generator.

Innovator: They have a knack for coming up with novel and groundbreaking concepts.

Originator: They are the source of new and original ideas.

Thinker: They possess strong analytical and creative thinking skills.

Brainstorming and Collaboration Skills:

Facilitator: They can guide and direct brainstorming sessions effectively.

Collaborator: They work well with others to generate ideas.

Synergist: They can combine different ideas to create something greater.

Sparkplug: They ignite creativity and enthusiasm in a team.

Problem-Solving and Adaptability:

Problem-solver: They can identify and address challenges creatively.

Adaptable: They are able to adjust to changing circumstances and new information.

Agile: They are quick to think on their feet and respond to new situations.

Resourceful: They can find solutions even under constraints.

Hackathon-Specific Skills:

Hackathon veteran: They have experience and success in hackathon environments.

Quick thinker: They can rapidly generate ideas and prototypes under pressure.

Tuesday 20 August 2024

What's the Change you're Going to Make it happen

Professionals do great work even when they don't feel like it" (12:20)

Dont' be authentic"... show up as a professional consistently.

What are you seeking to serve? 
What is the change you Hope to Make?

And these people you are serving what is the they need and want from you 
it's not about you and it's now what you worked so hard to make!

It's about ___

if you spread out to lot of things..

How can I make a difference to your audience 

Consistent Mantra


Pruning and Triming 

Daily Scrub

Recently, I started on daily scrub of a terrace where I have few petunias in pots. So, after watering the plants I usually scrub the floor, which makes me feel good and eventually the place has become cleaner. 

Wish I have more tasks like this aligned to this objective. 

Conversation Technique To Instantly Gain Authority, Re...

I just head this while returning from a one day trip to Varkala. There are quite few interesting points which are good in every day events!

Here're some interesting replies to the YouTube video and very valid points from this video. Check it out!

Listening attentively to a person you’re talking to is SO powerful. Being Non reactive and being calm means everything.

He gave some super simple yet practical tips. My favorite was, "let your breath be your first word." I'll be bookmarking this so I can refer back.

He’s so calm with his demeanor.   His wife is a lucky person.  With all due respect, more than winning the lottery I’d rather win this kind of a man.

Love this.  You don’t have to attend every argument you are invited to.

"You don't have to stop and throw rocks at every dog that barks."|||

You have nothing to prove” a good thing to remember 

Where there is space for kindness, I will use it.” ||

Man!  I needed this 30 years ago...but I'll take it today!

Self control is STRENGTH
Calmness is mastery-
 just breathe. You're a Rockstar.

 loved “win the argument and you win contempt”

Boys and Girls Save this Video! Dont argue Infront of your Kids !

Google Map - Can we select the Car size

 Recently on a trip to the bus stop, we selected a route which was promoted on the app. As we knew the route, I opted for another way to reach the destination.Here in Trivandrum,there are many roads which are narrow for a sedan type car. If it was the mini segment, it would be easy to navigate these small roads. 

So, the question to Google Map is this -

Can we select the size of the vehicle (car). They can give us an option, small cars, sedans, SUVs and big belly cars ( just kidding).

A person like me would prefer to ride in an open road, rather than a congested quick route! Is there any time comparison available for different route suggestions. 

Distance A to B (Via this route will take 15mins)
Distance A to B ( Via a longer, wider road will take ( 19 min)

Monday 19 August 2024

I got Lured! 🧲


Muthoot App

Muthoot FinCorp Whatsapp

On this day, I was desperate for funds. When I went to the local bank with bites n pieces of gold, they did not allow few bits saying they can't keep such ones. Damn it!

Whatever said and done, I was feeling low - one was that I had to have the loser posture, second, the funds was not sufficient. 

In this state of mind, I saw a Whatsapp message from Muthoot FinCorp. It had an enticing bit of message which read like this - Your're eligible for additional funds of us pt 29153. Wow! I like anyone in my shoes, got carried away with the message and I proceeded to download the app to avail additional funds. 

And, in 1 minute, the app was up and running. And, then comes the reality!  It looked I owed them more in dues that what I was eligible! Damn again! 

I should blame myself for jumping at a msg, which I knew was not right! It was just a bait!

So, what do I think of the whole process:

1. From the point of Muthoot, it was a tactics which got the attention of the user.

2. They succeeded in getting one download with a Whatsapp message. That's a good success point. 

3. From the customer view point, it was another case of disappointment, which we are used to from similar organizations and banks. We all would like to get easy loan, would lap up any message that we will get additional funds - but back in our mind, we know it's not as easy as it appears!

I guess, it's a uusual ploy employed by most biz to get customers to walk into their plan. Similarly, this can be seen as another sly way employed to get customers toe their plan. 

Which is better?
If you have a similar biz, would you use such a tactic?

2 Suggestions to Newspaper Industry

 One thing that's for sure to happen in newspaper business is the slow decline in readership, circulation and ad revenue. I guess, it was the Covid years that shifted a trend towards online consumption of news and online transaction.

In the book Zero to One, Peter Thiel mentions about newspaper biz as the old economy biz. He was referring to market capitalization of New York Times in comparison to Twitter! 

I grew up in a time when most people had the habit of starting a day by reading newspaper. So, I too like reading newspaper and on Sunday's I loved to read Times of India and Sunday times supplement. However, if you look at the trend around now ( in 2025), the consumption of news is shifting to online channels. It's partly the ease of picking news from online sites, and the changing attitude of new gen which includes millennial, gen z and other band of people. 

Along side the changing method of news consumption, the newspaper industry too has degraded in value, in authenticity and bias. Many instances are pointed out at the way media outlets has gone down in stature. 

With all these in context, I wonder how newspaper industry can add relevance, and value with the new gen audience. So, what can we do to make newspaper industry more dynamic, more connected with the online world:

3 or 4 Ways How Newsmedia can Take 

1. Most newspapers have an online version which requires a separate subscription. The Hindu, Times of India, Indian Express, etc has their online version bringing latest updates onr  the web. The limitation of physical copy is its very nature - once printed, reader has to wait for the next day to read the latest news. And, now most news are consumed through Whatsapp, YouTube, or Breaking stories on TV. This is where traditional news is loosing out. So, how can a newspaper remind people to read latest news on their online portal.

Provide a QR Code Link 
I'm not sure if such an option exist already on physical newspaper. Let's suppose, a person by evening wishes to read online edition, then he or she can scan and read. But, the problem is the firewall which will require people to register. So, here's a different way around it. Why not give a limited 4 minute access to a person based on just email address or phone verification. After-all, such short-time free access can spur more demand, and traffic to the site. And, for all sites, traffic is money and value. 

2. Short-Learning Module for IAS aspirants or Competitive Exam

Recently, came across a news about a graduate boy in Kannur who gives a gist of the news to his audience. So, what he does is he collates and makes a PPT Slide or quick bite information of the news and sends it across to his subscribers. In this way, the subscribers, who are mostly students preparing for competitive exam to get the latest doze of news in a snack able format. 

Is it this cool for this fellow to make such an information and monetize it. Mind you - he is just studying for graduate level class.

What's there for a Newspaper Biz!

If a student can make a brief account of daily or weekly news, why can't this strategy be applied by the newspaper team. Now, imagine, if The Hindu, makes a short brief account of the national and International, and biz events in separate column. This can be made as a separate section on the physical paper or for online edition. 

In this way, a student who's interested to know the gist of the events can visit that particular section and get information in one gulp. There's no need to scan the entire paper looking for important events what could be relevant for the IAS examination. Moreover, as it's prepared by the newsteam, they can make a good copy with good catchy headlines. This page can be shared on Whatsapp or it can be downloaded as a PPT, etc. What say, newsroom people?

Newspaper boy 

At one time, almost all houses had newspaper subscription. Now, this number is dwindling. Many are opting out of subscription. All these can affect the income of a newspaper delivery person. 

Additional Income for Newspaper Boys

I remember the time when newspaper was delivered by newsagents on a cycle. Now, most of them arrive on electric scooter. And, so, I was thinking what if the newspaper do some-other value added job apart form just throwing newspaper. 

What if they can do these along with the task of distributing newspaper:

1. Get into a tie-up with Milma or Nadini and deliver milk

2. Supply fresh vegetables or cut vegitables which they have personllly procured, washed or sliced. 

3. Delivery fish to households.  ( Share every day's stock on Whatsappp. Delivery it along with the newspaper) In some cases, they can deliver it to houses which are not newspaper subscribes. ( Same route)

4. Deliver provisions ( They can tie-up with a provision store and supply these stuffs)

5. Make homemade idlies and supply it to households in neat and clean containers or in stainless steel tiffin boxes 

6. Supply fresh juice for people to drink in the morning or salads or fine quality filter coffee in flasks 

Build an AI Model in Online Newspaper

Imagine, if there's an AI built-in with the online edition, which can filter or condense daily or weekly news in whatever format it's asked. This can be a proprietary tool by the newspaper which use the typical content filtering mechanism to reshape the content requested by the user. 

What can it benefit.

User can filter specific events across a period. or track one news across a month, etc. 

Select only specific topics and it can elaborate and make it more detailed by supplementing with other news. 

Scan the news and make it in a language suitable for a high-school kid. Also, it can automatically create images which will make it easier for a reader to relate to the news. 

Find out more about trending topics or breakthrough technologies, etc or get related news link from other sources. 

Friday 16 August 2024

Bevco Premium Outlet Open Till 11PM!

Another late night beer time. When I reached Molava BEVCO unit, I was surprised to see a dude sweeping the compound and cleaning paper bills which are lying on the floor. Good to see some sort of cleaning being done! 

Now, as I stepped inside the premium counter, I found myself and two other customers. They all picked the bottles and went to the billing table - a totally inept space to keep bottles before billing.

 I had to ask the impatient lady at the counter for the rate of KF and Heiniken. Why the heck can't they put couple of print out of price on the wall and on the front of the fridge! 

So, as I carried the sweaty bottles, the side gate was closed and hardly there were any other customers! And, me heaving the bag with beer bottles, I placed it on the footrest area to take it home.

Isn't 9:PM Too Early for a Booze Outlet to Close?

I head in Telengana the timing is more convenient for buyers! If so, why can't the buggers here do something about it. Are they preaching some big moral values or sticking to some outdated philosophy.

What's the next best alternative? 

One option I thought was, that in each district, Govt can start a premium Facility Liquor sale, which will open only at 11:PM. So, this place can provide this option. The local booze will close by 9:PM and the premium counter will be open till 11:PM. What do you say? Also, an exta of Rs 100 will be charged from each customers for any booze purchased beyond 500 bucks and 50 is the default extra payment. 

This extra fee levied will be shared by the management and staff. An incentive for the staff. and also paid towards special cleaning option. Also, as I mentioned in an earlier blog post, cotton carry bag has to be purchased by the customer or they have to bring their own bottles. 

So, what do you think of this plan? Here, we're just provide better service and flexibility for the consumer. 

Another thing is that, if booze outlets close this early, the young generation will easily go for other options like easily available drugs to get a different high!

So, the question to the govt is simple - which one do you want? 

Wednesday 14 August 2024

Kerala Govt Run Nextdoor Kerala Initiative


Found this poster on a site called Nextdoor and wondered how many small biz and independent workers ( plumbers  or electricians or Yoga trainers,etc) in Kerala can make such posters to promote their services.

It's said picture is worth thousand words. On the same lines, a picture (before and after) or an illustration about the service, or a poster on Canva or any AI tool can make a good first impression with a potential customer.

However, there's a problem! Almost 95% of labourers or cleaners or maids, and even small biz owners haven't got a clue on how to take a picture of their work and how to share it to a Facebook group or share it to their Whatsapp contacts for getting leads. Most biz depend on word-of-mouth marketing to get clients. 

That's the Problem:👆

What's the possible solution? 👇

Here's is a Fantastic Idea on how to empower small biz owners and independent workers, blue collar workers with the tools to reach customers or share their work.

For this idea to realize, we need the help from an unlikely corner - high school students. It's a totally unique method which can change many lives and also give young boys and girls a first-hand experience in all aspects of small biz - marketing, tracking, messaging,evaluating biz ideas, mentoring, etc.

Concept Overview:
High school students will form groups to support local independent workers in their community by helping them market their services. Students will create posters, update contact information on a local portal, and manage social media presence for these workers. This initiative will give students practical experience in small business operations, marketing, and customer engagement.

Here are the step by step Process:

Detailed Plan for High School Students to Support Local Independent Workers

1. Formation of Student Groups:

Step 1: Divide students into small groups of 4-5 members.
Step 2: Assign each group a mentor (a teacher or a local business expert) to guide them through the project.
Step 3: Have each group select a locality to focus on, ensuring that different areas are covered.

2. Identification of Independent Workers:

Step 1: Conduct a survey or walk through the assigned locality to identify independent workers (e.g., plumbers, electricians, tailors, local grocers).
Step 2: Create a list of potential workers to assist, ensuring they are interested in receiving help.

3. Research and Understanding of Each Small Business:

Step 1: Each group meets with the identified worker to understand their services, target audience, challenges, and current marketing strategies (if any).

Step 2: Research on similar businesses to gather ideas on how to effectively market such services.

4. Creation of Marketing Materials:

Step 1: Students brainstorm ideas for posters, business cards, and flyers that will help promote the worker’s services.

Step 2: Design and create the marketing materials using tools like Canva or Adobe Spark.

Step 3: Ensure all materials include essential details such as service offerings, contact information, and any unique selling points.

5. Digital Presence and Promotion:

Step 1: Set up a simple online portal or social media page dedicated to promoting local businesses in the locality.

Step 2: Update the portal/social media page with information about the worker’s services, including photos, descriptions, and contact information.

Step 3: Teach the worker how to manage their social media presence, post updates, and interact with customers.

6. Engagement and Feedback:

Step 1: Encourage the students to monitor feedback from customers, including reviews and comments on social media.

Step 2: Work with the worker to respond to feedback, thank customers, and address any concerns.

Step 3: Identify areas for improvement in service or marketing based on customer feedback and suggest actionable changes.

7. Documentation and Presentation:

Step 1: Students document their process, including challenges faced, solutions implemented, and results achieved.
Step 2: Prepare a presentation to showcase the impact of their work to the school, mentors, and community members.

8. Reflection and Skill Development:

Step 1: Conduct a reflection session where students discuss what they learned about small business operations, marketing, customer engagement, and teamwork.

Step 2: Identify and document the skills they have developed, such as communication, design, digital marketing, and problem-solving.

Key Benefits for School Students:

Skill Development: Students will learn essential skills such as communication, digital marketing, design, and problem-solving.

Community Impact: Local independent workers will benefit from increased visibility and improved business practices.

☑ Educational Value: Students gain real-world business insights and experience that go beyond traditional classroom learning.

This project not only enhances students' learning experience but also strengthens the community by empowering small businesses. It is a valuable initiative that aligns with educational goals and community service.

Let's take the example of high-school 8 std onward till Plus 12 students of Govt schools! 

1. State Labor and Employment exchange together will create a new portal called NextdoorKerala ( Sample name). It can list all services under different heads. It will be designed not by NIC folks but by company like TCS or Infy or Wipro. The agreement is that they should sponsor this project, which includes  maintenance, etc.

2. The kids should be given a 2 hr training on the objective of the project. The objective is simple - they first has to find out people who are doing daily workers ( electricians, plumbers, labourers, yard cleaners, maids, ironing people, home cooks who make food, etc). So, each class will be grouped in a team of seven students.

3. Students will be told to find out people who does good service, who are reliable but doesn't know how to advertize their service. For example, I recently saw an old lady carrying brooms made of coconut leaves. She was taking it to each household for a sale. So, such products information too should be collected. 

4. Students will have a school mentor who will be a teacher assigned the job of collecting information and updating it on the NextDoorKerala site!

At this stage, kids will take picture of the person providing the service, collect phone number and contact information. They will do this on a fortnightly basis 

5. Part from collecting information of local skilled people, phone numbers of auto drivers, taxi drivers, pick-up auto drivers should be collected. Such information makes it easy for people to hire them.

6. Each locality will have a physical board, more active and updated. Btw, we have seen how the board set up at junctions by Tvm Corporation are just blank. This board should be be smaller in side and located at both sides of the road.

7. Kids will take print out and post information about local biz, local talent on this board. also, each ward will have a Facebook Group or Page. This information will be posted on the online board. 

8. The efforts by the teams must be supervised by a designated teacher and occasional meeting should be held to monitor the progress IT mentor or State Labor dept, or the portal handling company.

9. On the portal, there must be an option for registered user to put feedback of the service. ( star rating). If complaints or grievances come, it must be handed by the labor dept staff. 

10. The final objective and ongoing success of the project comes from the way it's executed. Also, a highly rated labourer or worker or service provided will be given preference in the listing. Also, few profiles can be share in other FB groups like WIT so that they get more enquiries. 

P.S - When I first took a screenshot of the image from nextdoor website, I just thought of sharing it for it's simple content value. And, only after writing few lines, then my mind veered to a larger idea of using a portal to share details of workers who don't have the skill to market their services. I liked the aspect o of engaging school students in community service.

Btw, today is August 15, Independence day. I just wish our country adopts a better call to use our local talent, make sure that every citizen has food on the table.

In Kerala, the minimum food can be rice, coconut chamandi, and one boiled egg and rasam. It can the basic food or bare minimal standard food that each person should have. 

Can we have some food stamps where people who can't afford a day's meal gets a stamp and they can go to a local centre to have free food! For local centres, we can design something like Indira Canteen in Bangalore. I'm not sure how it works, but I have seen people having food there. I presume that food is subsidized in such places! 

Sunday 11 August 2024

What did You See or Experience Today?

 If you're running a small biz or if you're a homemaker or a retired person, or a student, there's everyday experience from mundane to unique experiences in your life. Isn't so. And, now the question is - do you have a friend/s to share, a partner who can listen to these thoughts without judgement, or someone who can listen these with empathy? 

What if there's no one around to listen to your daily trials? What if you're separated and you're just a loner in a new city or your acquaintances are not interested in your story? What if you're partner passed away and you're in that vacant home? What if you have a spouse who's not interested in any of the mundane story of yours? 

In such cases, what's the remedy? What's the outlet to share all your thoughts and to tell what you found today? Is talking aloud to oneself a good way of letting it out? Talking to the flowers in your garden, the picture on the wall?  Do you seek solace in religious or spiritual thing?

An Outlet for Your Thoughts, Experiences!

 What if you started a blog or vlog or a journal to share your story and what you see around? Does journaling help in letting things go or putting things on a piece of paper or on digital format help in getting the matter out of your head? 

This is exactly what I feel after writing so many posts in a short time. In fact, this concept of sharing is quite liberating and fulfilling for me. It's all done with the hope that there's an audience or space to share or it's just the matter of letting go. 

One inspiration for me came from Seth Godin the ruckus maker - this is what I noticed today!

So, what are the points you can share on a blog or on your journal? 

  1. This is what I notice today...

  2. This is my experience 

  3. My day in picture 

  4. Wish things were better around me

  5. Can we improve on this 

  6. How could my health go for the better 

  7. This is a project I finished 

  8. Can I replicate this 

  9. Shall we do this together 

  10. How to get more people to your biz 

  11. Oh, that's remarkable 

  12. How can I do it better 

  13. Did I leave the place better than I found it  

  14. What did I impress 

  15. My country, society or the local community can do it better