Wednesday, 6 November 2024

Bribery by Govt Officials - A Humane Out of Court Settlement Plan!


How to Settle Bribery Cases? 

This is weird plan. But, it's more humane! After all, we need to see the human aspect of life - The pursuit of happiness. Isn't. With that part in mind, here's my plan to tackle bribery by govt officials! 

A brief outline of this post - A govt official who's caught by vigilance officials for taking bribe goes through a long trial. Often the verdict takes years. This cost x amount of money to the govt,  tension and trauma to the accused, etc. What if there's a better way to settle the matter? A more humane way! 

( Btw, I'm hundred percent sure that this might not work, yet it needs to be told, shared as this offers an alternative option and savings of cash and human resource for the Govt).

Recently a colleague who worked with me in Revenue department called me and said that two employees of his office was caught red handed by the Vigilance team. Luckily, he just got transferred to another office! Good heavens. 

Now imagine the plight of these two men.

1. These two were caught red handed by the vigilance team. The act was recorded on cam. It was shared on social media and on news media.

2. Two of them were remanded in Sub Jail. My friend went to meet them. They said, Enthu parayan.. Pattipoyi or Pettupoyi..Saare!

3. Now, what awaits them?
 A long judicial probe. Most probably, they will loose increment, etc. I'm not sure how it will all go. A fair guess is that, they will have to go through a long ordeal in the court, and then loose financially - los of salary, money spend on hiring advocates, etc. Also, they loose sleep, get stressed up, tarnish of public and  private image, loss of face in the family. Also, imagine the plight of dear ones in the family - wife and kids. All of them will be ostracized by the community, mental stress ( What not)

Is this required to bring fair justice? 

4. Service break is a small thing. It's his or her self-image that goes into the bin. Whats the real cost of that? 

Now imagine a new proposal 

Now, think that they are caught red handed by the vigilance anti-corruption team with all the proof. Instead of remanding them in a jail for 14 days, they will be give a option!

1. Pay a fine of 2.5 ( Lakhs) or more depending on the case.. Out of this the complainant will get 1 lakh and 50k to the govt. And, another 50 k to chief ministers relief fund and 20K for white washing the office or mending broken chair! 

2. Perpetrator has to forsake one or two increment 

3. He or she will be suspended for 5 months from service. 

4. Additional 3 months of social work in a Govt hospital or hospice. 

( If the perpetrator of the bribe case agrees and the complaint agrees, and if the Govt negotiator agrees, then he or she will get leniency in this probe. Also, their name won't out in the public. ( limited exposure)

What's the real cost to the Government to pursue a bribery case - from the time a official is caught to the verdict date! ( Time is Money)

Imagine the cost to the govt in dealing with the whole litigation, court hearing, call of witness, etc. It's all a waste of public money, time, etc. ( What do you think would be the cost to the govt?) Does anyone has a figure for this?

Also, with every such news, the trust in govt officials slides down. Also, when such an incident happens, it affects the mental-well being of other employees in this office. I personally know of a VO who had to go through much trauma as one of his subordinate took bribe. He eventually took his life. ( This incident in his office could be a contributing factor) 

Another point is that we don't need another court case to fill our court office. Why not make it one less for the judge to handle. Already our courts are filled with all sorts of petitions and hearing. Why add this to the big pile?

What's suggested here is an out of court settlement! 

What say about this ludicrous plan? 

I'm just saying this is a humane way of dealing with it. A human touch! 

Curious Konnections

P.S - Is any study or research done about the stress faced by a employee facing trial on account of bribery? What was the impact of such an allegation on the family and personal life?  What was their mental toll? Did this result in mental stress such as - sleeplessness, or nightmares, depression bouts,self doubt, anxiety, anger, financial loss, low-self esteem?

Note- . This scheme would not be applicable when the allegations leveled are serious. And, if the amount of bribe is high and if the bank account or other wealth shows a long-period of corruption. So, this is not an escape route, but it's just for scheme only for first-time offenders! And,those who really show remorse and would like to give away from such acts!

-  Another thing - just b'cos a complainant receives a settlement amount, public official should not be honey-trapped or trapped for any financial gain. 

P.S.S - Those who oppose such type of out of court settlement, should also know that in India we all sorts of out of court settlement in India. One of the extreme cases, which often are not reported are the extra-judicial ones.  

Btw, I just landed on this news site after googling Extra Judicial killing. Good site with a wide array of topics to read. Here's the link to the Essay page.  ( You see, one leads to another, and that leads to epiphany: ๐Ÿ’ก :) 

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