Wednesday, 27 November 2024

Railway TTE's CPR Act and Lessons!

 This is now trending. A video shows a TTR doing CPR on a man who suffered heart attack. So, now there are many discussion online about the way it's done, etc. 

So, what's the lessons we can take on the positive light:

1. Train all Village Officers and the staff on how to do CPR. This also applies to Police Constables, Fire Force, Ambulance Drivers 
     ( Conduct regular retraining so that they get to retrain and get the process to memory)

2. Train all TTR's and other key railway officials on how to do CRP. 
    Also at every railway station, all key people should learn to CPR. 

3. Give training to high school students on how CPR ( Practical training using dummy)
    Each school should be given couple of dummy to practice it! Also, video should be shown how to do CPR correctly.

More input from ChatGPT:

High School Students:

United States: CPR training is mandatory for high school graduation in 38 states and Washington, D.C. Students learn hands-on CPR and basic first aid techniques, which significantly increases bystander CPR rates and survival chances during cardiac emergencies​

United Kingdom: Since 2020, CPR training is included in school curriculums, where primary school students learn first aid basics, and secondary students gain in-depth CPR skills, including using AEDs (Automated External Defibrillators)​

Japan: CPR training is part of disaster preparedness education. Students practice CPR alongside using AEDs, which are widely available in public spaces due to Japan’s focus on emergency readiness​

Public Officials:

Norway: CPR training is mandatory for public officials, including teachers, to ensure widespread knowledge of life-saving techniques. High bystander CPR rates in Norway contribute to higher survival rates for cardiac arrests​

United States: Teachers, coaches, and other public officials in many states must undergo CPR certification. This has proven effective in schools and public places during emergencies​

Japan: Public officials, especially those in administrative and safety-related roles, receive periodic training in CPR and disaster response, aligning with the country's strong emphasis on community resilience​

Training school students and public officials in CPR fosters a culture of preparedness, improving survival rates from sudden cardiac arrests by empowering ordinary people to act swiftly and confidently.

4. Conduct weekly demo of CPR at public spaces like ( Napum, etc)


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