Sunday 8 September 2024

Today's Revelation at Sunday Mass - Youth Empowerment in Church Activities


Church usher

As usual I along with my wifey was late for Sunday mass. Well, it was nothing out of the ordinary as we are late-lateefs. So much so, that I had to stand next to the church door, along with other late comers. 

With no chair to sit, I stood there like a log, listening to the sermon, watching the congregation,  and blandly staring around looking for an epiphany moment. Only thing other than spiritual solace was the sight of a long pile of shoes, slippers outside the church door. For sometime, I thought of the people and the types of personality behind different types of slippers and shoes. ( Well, that didn't go far)

As I stood there,  one young fellow walked in front of me. As he walked past, he tripped on one of the slippers. Luckily, he regained his posture and walked away. This was one light bulb moment. And, there are few others. 

Here're the thoughts. 

1. Church Usher /SERGEANT AT ARMS ( Youth of the church as Church Usher)

Long, long back, my first role in a club was in the role of sergeant-at-arms. I was supposed to guide speakers to the dias, pass the attendance book, and other trivial roles on the floor. And, today, two-many decades after, I was thinking of a similar role in the church. 

Imagine if two young persons, one boy and a girl is given some responsibility by the church to manage  the church affairs during events, or during Sunday mass. So, what all things can a person person oversee and assist on a Sunday mass.

Here're the list of activities that came to my mind:

1. First thing, first. A young person who volunteers as a sergeant-at-arms in church  will wear a hand band, with the emblem of cross, also the name of the church. ( my suggestion). This is just to identify the role of the person.

2. What can such person do?

 1. Make sure slippers kept outside are kept close to the wall. The person in charge will ensure that people keep the slippers in an orderly way. And, by maintaining a proper order, there're less chance for people to trip and fall. 

2. Assist late comers to spot empty chairs in the church. Many times, people standing outside are not aware of the empty slots.

3. Today a old person in the church was feeling unwell. On seeing the restless look on the man, a parishioner got him water. Likewise, a dedicated young person who keeps an eye of the welfare of the church goers can do the needful. Basically, the volunteer will look after the welfare of the church goers in whatever way they can .

4. Ensure that other arrangements for any giveaway or food after the mass is distributed without any hiccup.

Today there was Onam mini-feast. There was orapam which was given for free and it tasted good. When I asked the lady about who made this orapam, the answer was evasive. I just wanted to know who made this sugar orapam so that we could order orapam or pass the details to anyone who wishes to order orapam.

 Btw, we make orapam at home ( sugar and sharkara) type. And, during my b'day, my mom used to make orapam in an urali. And, that used to be my b'day gift!

 Coming to the topic of Onam sale at the church, there were around 10 tables of things which ladies kept with items for sale. Most items displayed were food items, then there were some handicraft items too. It would have been good, it they had written the name of biz name and their contact number on a slate. Also, a waste bin to throw trash. ( So, a volunteer can take care of these things. And, the things they are supposed to be done can be given as a note)

5. Assist people in parking the vehicles in an orderly way.

6. Make and maintain a notice board in the church to highlight youth centric activities. Also manage the Whatsapp group of the Church Youth group.  

7. Make sure, people mute the sound of the mobile when they are in the church

8. Help old people or assist people to climb the stairs or help them find a spot.

Another Idea after Listening to Father's Sermon!

The priest in his sermon said this statement - Overcome the problems in Life and Become a Better Person

This line was spoken in today's talk and it was related to today's reading. He said more points to connect with this problem. I then thought of this - What if a team of two or three from the church compile the essence of the sermon in a graphical way and put it across on a whiteboard. The graphical or a simple representation of the main points of the sermon in a simple format. This can will help people to share the concept with other after taking a picture of it. A person who can create a simple drawing on a whiteboard too will be essential to create a info-graphic type of image. 

The whole idea of drawing on a whiteboard is just to make the message clear and shareable to a larger audience. 

Curious Konnections 

PS - Here's an earlier church related point which - Rosa Mystica 

NB: After I wrote this post, I saw a facebook reel of church mass where a young fellow was leading girls dressed as Virgin Mary down the church aisle. He wore a band with the name usher. So, I didn't know that the ideas of a usher is there in catholic church. Probably,I haven't see in Trivandrum churches  and in B'lore. 

I have shared a screenshot of the church usher, which I think is from Goa. After I saw this video, I googled about the role of church usher, and here's what it says - 

church usher is a person who helps maintain order and security during a church service, and assists with seating, greeting, and other tasks. Ushers are often chosen by the pastor or church leadership, and the number of ushers depends on the church's size and needs

Also, while searching for church usher, this prompt too comes - church usher tag design. Check it out, if you require design inspiration to create bands for ushers. 

Foot wear outside the church door - Tripping Point


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