Sunday 22 September 2024

Looking for Inspiration and Flow in Life and Creativity - BASQUIAT's work ethic

Again, thanks to Chris Borgan for sharing such insightful and inspiring videos in his newsletter. I had read about BASQUIAT's work from a post by Seth Godin. and now it's written in a different style, with more juice for common person like me.

So, what does it all say? Here're few comments from people on YouTube about who shared their idea about Basquait work.👇

BASQUIAT's You should go offline and should go deep.  Best advice in these time of fast consumption and superficiality.

"Most of the flow that you will have while making art will come from all the things you are doing when you are not making art." That's something I always knew, but never put into words. Brilliant.

1. Source material
2. Steal like an artist
3. Have a message
4. Speed
5. Study Memorize Internalize

The steps I got for any type of work really:

1) Get 2 reference sources, one visual, one philosophical/principles.

2) Just fckng do it. Create now, whatever really. Don't judge. Create more. Let the spirit express thru you and let the work walk you. 

3) Create faster. Create more. Until it's empty of any idea or wish, then revert back to sources. 

4) Repeat. And in the down time, following the ever truthful rule, 80/20, spend 20% of the 100% of working hours absorbing cool stuff.

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